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Profile for bighe

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 23:54
  • Posts: 8
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Yes Jan, I did it. At this point I'd prefer to uninstall it and reinstall it (I think there are some problems for permissions on a lot of files). But I don't know what are the files wich I have to save for the URLs already created.
From free version to ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I solved the problem entering the id of pay version in the configuration, but:

- The link Joomla SEF URLs by Artio is showed in every page. I tried to make the manual upgrade with the entire package but without success. Have I to uninstall and install it? In this situation what files have I to save and reinstall (configuration...)?
- I have the paid version 2.06 of extention for virtuemart but it's not possible to upgrade it (not valid ID)

Thank you
From free version to ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I used the free version 3.4.3. Now I have buyed the pay version but I don't understand how it is possible to make the upgrade.
From free version to ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I'm tring to upgrate the version 3.4.1 (with a lot of problems with Docman...) to the version 3.4.3. At the beginning ot was not possible because a lot of file were not writeble. I setted them all with 666 or 777 permission; now there are only two files wich are not writeble also with 777 permission and the upgrate it's not possible. Please loook at the picture. Could you help me? Thank you.
Upgrate not possible ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Hello, I solved the problem: the setting in joomla -> Global Configuration -> Server Configurations -> Errors Report was on Maximum. I setted it on "standard" and now it's all ok. Thank you.
[solved]Problems wit ...
Category: Extensions

I have done the upgrating to Joomsef 3.3.3; also the VM extentions was upgrated to the 2.0.5 version.

After this I have some problems in the pages, you can see them here: (component) (example of category) (example of product)

The errors are differents for each levels. Here I send you the settings of the extention.

Joomla 1.5.14
[solved]Problems wit ...
Category: Extensions

today I installed the Sobi2 extention but there are not meta Title in the pages. How could. How can I take the "meta title" automactly from the title of categorie and from the title of entries?
Sobi2 extention: not ...
Category: Extensions
I have the same problem and the reason it is clear. I have the version 3.2.1. Where can I try the package upgrate files for manual installation?
Problem to upgrade
Category: JoomSEF 3
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