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Profile for axscion

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 6
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The title tag on the index page of this site: appears in the source code as <title/> and nothing else. Title tags on all other pages appear OK. Any suggestion on what may be wrong here?

And the "Show Title Meta Tag" in Metadata Settings of the Global Config file in Joomla 2.5.17 does not exist as shown on attached pop-up.
Title Tag not visibl ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Error Message: Error Generating XML: Cannot create the specified XML file.

Have gone through a couple of Forum topics on this subject and am led to understand that it is a chmod/permissions problem, but no mention of the actual file needing to be set to set to writeable.

Or is there more to it and can anyone advise on this?

Joomla 2.5.11
Linux server
Apache & PHP 5.3.23
Error Generating XML ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thanks for your input. I was about to uninstall JoomSEF but decided to recheck everything and on doing so found the words: "Your SEO optimized title" as part of the head tags in the template index.php file. Once the tag had been deleted it reverted to the JoomSEF titles. Problem solved.

It would be interesting to know where it came from as I certainly did not code it in and it was not part of the original template. We shall probably never know. Many thanks.
Title tag
Category: JoomSEF 4
Dajo, Thanks for the help on my problem with the Title Tag. Have checked the settings: Enabled Meta Tags Management = Yes and set Prefer JoomSEF titles = Yes, but still the browser says: "Your SEO optimised title"

That leaves your suggestion that the site has been hacked. How does one established where and how? Should I uninstall JoomSEF for example?
Title tag
Category: JoomSEF 4
The browser title given to every page on my site is "Your SEO optimised title" what configuration setting do I need to change this? And how can I set a page title for each page?
Title tag
Category: JoomSEF 4
I have a page with a number of intrenal pages links; Anchors set to specific text headers. eg. #anchor

This was not corrected by the suggestion of disabling the base URL - ...only base URL, or any other suggestion.

I have now got it to work using a complete path:

Presumably this is OK. It works, but perhaps there is a better solution?
Text Anchors
Category: JoomSEF
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