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Profile for artioXml

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 08:34
  • Posts: 7
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Hi - Thx
- VMinvoice works perfect now adding indexes :o)
( and clears a lot off weird random issues due to freeze :o)

In VMinvoice Admin:
"start typing customer or company name or customer city."

Outstanding how many users who have the same name....

Don´t seem to search in "virtuemart_user_id" field

Can U give me a clue how to search either "virtuemart_user_id" or "phone_1" ???
- would be an awesome improvement :o)
Cant add a new custo ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Hi - Thx, try to take a look - a little scarred doing this - have to sync databases from OsCommerce.

- and afraid if the below will work:
Massmail, VM user edit, VM orders, Joom user manager, Acymail, onpage checkout, report manager etc.etc.

Sure theese will work if I add indexes / alter databases ???

BTW - have the same mild issue with many products, but only 500 !
Cant add a new custo ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Clears it :o) BTW, just info...if I choose "shipment addresses" and say yes to "update user info" - if generates a whole new shipment address - and can´t delete it anywhere in VM yet :o) Have a much more important issue - had to post it in "presale" ! It´s critical for my installs - cant add customers !
Invoice/Delivery inf ...
Category: Customer Support
How was this done ???
Have a similar issue - have added an extra field for "delivery email" - the field appears, but the content is empty !
- it shows correct in VM "shoppers" and in frontend ???
Invoice/Delivery inf ...
Category: Customer Support
Have a critical issue with adding customer:
System info: Joom 2.5.4 + VM 2.0.6 + PHP 5.3.1 + VMInvoice 2.12

In my testversion with a few customers - works without problems regarding adding a customer in "create new order"

BUT - when I use the test version with 7000 customers in database:

- sometimes everything freeze - cant even click cancel
- sometimes when i type a name - the listbox apears after 2-5 minutes
- when the dropbox finally appear - it freezes for minutes if I change name

Guess the dropbox needs a huge amount of resources choosing from 7000 customers that way !
Tried to change cache size

Is it possible to add a customer another way ???
Or is there a way to allocate more resources for this event ???
Cant add a new custo ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
Thanks - it fixes the error box - but:

After create new order - get theese 2 error msg:
createInvoiceNumber $orderDetails has no virtuemart_order_id
You must provide at least one recipient email address.

Have chosen "User order numbering (VM 2)" in config....

Anywho - it does generate the correct order with items - with ordernumber/id - also appears in VM

Sends mail to correct mail - but get a blank order email confirm with 0 items !
Error when updating ...
Category: Customer Support
Got the same error on 3 different installs
- made a clean version to test.

Joom 2.5.4 + VM 2.0.6 + PHP 5.3.1 + VMInvoice 2.11

- found out the only way I can use VMInvoice for now:

Click "edit order"
I have to click "Save" - then check "notify customer" - then "save and close"

- if I check "notify customer" and click "save & close" - get the huge error box like netfort:
....libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php on line 336

The same workaround applies when I create a new order
- hope it gets solved, only issue I have !
Error when updating ...
Category: Customer Support
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