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mod_rokvirtuemart_categories menu highlighting
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TOPIC: mod_rokvirtuemart_categories menu highlighting

mod_rokvirtuemart_categories menu highlighting 15 years, 5 months ago #8108

My ORDER ID (order number) is 00005856.

We have just changed our SEF URL rewriting component from sh404SEF to Artio JoomSEF, because the first was not working properly. Have the latest JoomSEF and VM plugin installed.

Now the problem is solved, but we still have an issue with the mod_rokvirtuemart_categories module from RocketTheme (a module, that makes a drop down menu of VM categories) - it rewrites the menus OK, it works OK, just the active menu highlighting is gone. The menu highlighting dissapears when we apply the milspecmonkey patch:

And mod_rokvirtuemart_categories doesn't use the properly rewrote URLS, in order to fix this we need to set the $link var in helper.php line 51 like so:
$link = $sess->url(sefRelToAbs('

If we don't apply it, then the URLs of Virtuemart are non-SEF (like this - index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=1&Itemid=1&TreeId=1) but the menu highlighting works OK.

If we apply it, the URLs are SEF (like this - shop/telecamere-body.html), but the active menu highlighting is gone.

On other Joomla menus, the highlighting works OK. I know, this might be an RocketTheme mod_rokvirtuemart_categories problem, I also posted the question there.

Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.
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Re:mod_rokvirtuemart_categorie​s menu highlighting 15 years, 5 months ago #8139

  • jaku
I am not much familiar with mod_rokvirtuemart_categories menu module for VirtueMart, but in general, the item highlighting in Joomla is dependant on Itemid value.
It seems, that if you are using just URL in format "index.php?page=shop.browse&category_id='.$category_id", then there is no Itemid generated and used, which might be the reason for lack of highlighting.

If you use the full original "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=1&Itemid=1&TreeId=1" you can see the Itemid is included and then the highlighting works.

So what I think you need to do is to make mod_rokvirtuemart_categories use the Itemid when calling the sefRelToAbs method.
Btw. if you are reffering to Joomla 1.5, then the sefRelToAbs is deprecated. In Joomla 1.5 a JRoute::_() method is used for creating SEF URLs.
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Re:mod_rokvirtuemart_categorie​s menu highlighting 15 years, 5 months ago #8232

No, the Itemid is not the problem - I have tested with the Itemid hardcoded in the helper.php file and after manually editing the SEF URL in the backend.

I have also changed the syntax to:
$link = JRoute::_('index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id='.$category_id);

The menu class active gets striped out. I guess the problem lies somewhere in the JROUTE url creation. Because if I use the "$sess->url" or the "JRoute::_" URL creation functions, that's where it stops working.

I'll try to find the error myself - if noone else finds it first ;-)
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Re:mod_rokvirtuemart_categorie​s menu highlighting 15 years, 5 months ago #8321

  • jaku
If you hardcode the Itemid into helper.php it may have no influence for JoomSEF.
JoomSEF takes the Itemid stored in its SEF URLs table - so check the value of the Itemid for your URL there.
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[SOLVED] mod_rokvirtuemart_categories menu... 15 years, 5 months ago #8371

Problem solved - solution posted by susi (10x again) on the Rockettheme forum (accessible only by subscribers).

I have attached the correct helper.php file, that should go into the mod_rokvirtuemart_categories folder. Of course, the latest mod_rokvirtuemart_categories version should be installed as well as the router.php for Virtuemart.

Attachment not found

Last Edit: 15 years, 5 months ago by rialtrade.
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Re:[SOLVED] mod_rokvirtuemart_categories menu... 15 years, 4 months ago #8714

Thanks for the file. It helped me a lot. :)
Last Edit: 15 years, 4 months ago by csiza.
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