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Front-end files and documets deletion doesn't work
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Document management system (DMS) component for Joomla!

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TOPIC: Front-end files and documets deletion doesn't work

Front-end files and documets deletion doesn't work 10 years, 10 months ago #44361

Here we go...
I have a VIRGIN Joomla 2.5.20 test website running JoomDOC v4.
If I upload files and add documents, I am able to perform all the operations from the backend. From the frontend, if I try to delete the file and or the document associated, the JoomDOC components either deletes the next filel/doc in the list (not the selected one) or it does nothing at all.

I think this to be a Joomla 2.5.20 only related problem as the component works fine in Joomla! 3.3 environment.

Please advise

Thank you
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Re: Front-end files and documets deletion doesn't work 10 years, 10 months ago #44363

It looks like a conflict between JoomDOC and JoomSEF. J3.3 doesn't have JoomSEF that's why it is working! By disabling JoomSEF on the J2.5 dev site, the problem disappeared.

I've found this forum topic to be very useful:
Unfortunately, the user never got an answer on how to having JoomDOC and JoomSEF working together.

Can you please help out?

Thank you
Last Edit: 10 years, 10 months ago by davlon.
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Re: Front-end files and documets deletion doesn't work 10 years, 10 months ago #44369

  • jitr
  • ARTIO Support
  • Posts: 1432
Hello, maybe SEF URLs saved in JoomSEF are out of date. Try to delete them. Another proble can provide URL duplicates. Try turn on numbering of duplicity URLs.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Front-end files and documets deletion doesn't work 10 years, 10 months ago #44371

by turning "Number duplicate URLs?" to Yes in the JoomSEF and "Ignore multiple souces" to "NO" in the joomDOC plugin (JoomSEF) the problem is now solved.

Thank you
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