Your remark about UNION helped a lot to solve the second problem.
SELECT '','Total Time','Relative Pref. Index','Disk I/O','MPEG2-DVD','H.264-BR'
(SELECT name, ideal, idealrpi, disk, mpeg, h264 FROM Percentiles LIMIT 0, 5)
(SELECT Computer_ID, total_time, crpi, Diskio, dvd, h264 FROM Personal_data WHERE Version LIKE 6.0 AND nr=36)
gives me the correct results in the table. I still have to figure out how to make the 'nr=36' condition in the last SELECT statement dynamic, to be used with fabrik links as a kind of 'Detail View', but the most pressing problem now is that updating the SQL query resets all my dataset preferences to a default that I do not want.
I want my datasets to look like this:
Type, colours, line thickness, anchor radius, anchor angles, values, etc. are all changed after updating the SQL query to some default settings that make it - for my use at least - unworkable.
I need to be able to use real time SQL queries to update charts on-line but keep the layout I have once made. How can I set the defaults to these settings?