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Profile for Stefanseiner

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 13
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there is no chance to get JoomSEF running on J4, I don't think this will be better for J5.
You have to get rid of Artio, thats the only solution.

I migrated to 4SEF too
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
my problem is:
JoomSEF created several thousand SEF urls stored in the _sef table of the database.

To get rid of JoomSEF I have to find a solution to keep this SEF urls alive because without lots of my articles and menues will be destroyed.

Last sign of life of the artio support from June 2022 said:
If you want your JoomSEF generated URLs to keep working after you uninstall JoomSEF, you can either use Joomla's Redirects component or your web server's .htaccess file to manually setup redirects from JoomSEF SEF URLs to original Joomla URLs. You can obtain list of SEF URLs with their corresponding Joomla URLs from your database, their stored in the _sef table.

So does someone has an idea how to do this?
And which solution is better, to use redirects or .htaccess?
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
the prizings are very high for the 4SEO.

But maybe there is another extensions which can be used for the same way of exporting SEO urls with the help of sh404SEF from JoomSEF to another extension?

Do you know some?
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello Codre,
sound like an option.

Several month ago the developer of JOOMSEF wrote me via mail (as answer to my questions how to get rid of JoomSEF and keep Joomla working)

Hi Stefan,

If you want your JoomSEF generated URLs to keep working after you uninstall JoomSEF, you can either use Joomla's Redirects component or your web server's .htaccess file to manually setup redirects from JoomSEF SEF URLs to original Joomla URLs. You can obtain list of SEF URLs with their corresponding Joomla URLs from your database, their stored in the _sef table.

With kind regards,

I have several thousands redirects too and manually it's not possible, so I guess an solution to get the urls from database and modify them to fit into the .htaccess would be an option too.
But maybe it's another problem if the .htaccess is too large
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am waiting too
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
that's good news
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
I asked the developer a few days ago if there will be an JoomSEF for Joomla 4 - but still no answer.

Two month ago the developer wrote me if I would like to uninstall the component an want to keep my joomla site working I have to move the sef urls from the data table to the joomla internal redirection table.
Mmh, I unterstand why - but I don't understand how to move several thousands urls.

Maybe someone has an idea how to do this by script or mysql command or so?
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
hazael wrote:
You don't need to uninstall anything

Go to JoomSEF "301 Redirects Manager" settings:

Clear all links from the list, because at the moment the page may be in a loop

it seems that there are many redirects from Artio SEF urls to normal Joomla URLs
100 entries per page, 85 pages = 8.500 redirects...

And you are sure that this will not break my website if I clear these links? What about the menues or pagebreak-links or article ancors or just internal links I build by copying links of articels and inserted into another articel?

hazael wrote:

Remove dynamic parameters from links such as sorting, pagination and other types of filtering.

sorry but I still don't know where to find such settings :-(
Artio JoomSEF killed ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
@ Bigham: as I wrote above this is no solution because with just uninstalling Artio the whole site will crash because the created links are not working any more.

You should block page pagination, sorting, etc.

In the settings of each component there is "Variables filtering" - there you can block unnecessary dynamic functions that appear in the links

where to apply these settings?
Artio JoomSEF killed ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
anybody here who can help getting my website to work again?

Artio JoomSEF killed my Joomla website
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am using Joomla v3.9 and Artio JoomSEF 4 free, both since several years since three days I have serious problems with this combination. Here is my site (it's a private family website for our house renovations):

I don't know which option I changed in the last few weeks but now JoomSEF killed my website by creating thousands of URLs which
1. are not working
2. litter the database
3. creates lots of empty database querries which kill the MySQL instance of my webhost.

I first found the not-functional urls into the redirect-component of Joomla

they mostly begin with a "selbstbauprojekt-lautsprecher" in the first part of the url (which is an existing article) and followed by the url of another, second article. So this combined URLs do not work and therefore they appear with an error 404 into the redirect-component

then I found the origin of this false URLs into JoomSEF

five days ago JoomSEF had 47.867 urls and all worked fine, but nevertheless I startet a topic into the German Joomla bulletin board here

but now, JoomSEF created over 124.383 urls which enlarges the size of the database enormous and now let the MySQL instance collapse.

Although I deactivated the creation of new SEF URLs in the control panel of JoomSEF the MySQL collapses again within 30 minutes after every restart

now I did four changes at the system. I don't know exactly which was the right option but now the site is accessible and I can search for the problem. My changes are:
  • Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF? -> no
  • Parse Joomla SEO links? -> no
  • Debugging URL errors -> no
  • via FTP in components -> com_sef -> controller I renamed the cron.php because I think that with this JoomSEF is crawling for new URLs

So did anybody has a similar problem and / or an idea how to solve this?
And how can I get rid of this masses of defective URLs into my database?

Thanks and regards
Artio JoomSEF killed ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I am using Joomla v3.9 and Artio JoomSEF 3 free, both since several years since three days I have serious problems with this combination. Here is my site (it's a private family website for our house renovations):

I don't know which option I changed in the last few weeks but now JoomSEF killed my website by creating thousands of URLs which
1. are not working
2. litter the database
3. creates lots of empty database querries which kill the MySQL instance of my webhost.

I first found the not-functional urls into the redirect-component of Joomla

they mostly begin with a "selbstbauprojekt-lautsprecher" in the first part of the url (which is an existing article) and followed by the url of another, second article. So this combined URLs do not work and therefore they appear with an error 404 into the redirect-component

then I found the origin of this false URLs into JoomSEF

five days ago JoomSEF had 47.867 urls and all worked fine, but nevertheless I startet a topic into the German Joomla bulletin board here

but now, JoomSEF created over 124.383 urls which enlarges the size of the database enormous and now let the MySQL instance collapse.

Although I deactivated the creation of new SEF URLs in the control panel of JoomSEF the MySQL collapses again within 30 minutes after every restart

now I did four changes at the system. I don't know exactly which was the right option but now the site is accessible and I can search for the problem. My changes are:
  • Redirect nonSEF URLs to SEF? -> no
  • Parse Joomla SEO links? -> no
  • Debugging URL errors -> no
  • via FTP in components -> com_sef -> controller I renamed the cron.php because I think that with this JoomSEF is crawling for new URLs

So did anybody has a similar problem and / or an idea how to solve this?
And how can I get rid of this masses of defective URLs into my database?

Thanks and regards
Artio JoomSEF killed ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
still no JoomSEF for Joomla 4.

How can I uninstall JoomSEF 4 on Joomla 3.9.xx without having menues and links broken?
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
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