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Profile for roozbeh

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 18:06
  • Posts: 9
  • Profile Views: 4433
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Hi Pedu, I have asked the support team to refund me as there is no way to install this product. So far I have tried it on 3 different joomla 1.5.x and virtue mart and all give me the same error, also tried it on MAMP, XAMP and two different shared hosting companies and still the same, It has wasted one week of my time and not been even able to install it.

Support email respond is poor, I have sent them emails before last week and no one got back to me, yesterday I have asked them to cancel my order and still no one has got back to me.
Browse Error
Category: Customer Support
I just realised that my menus in virtue mart doesn't work I don't mind paying for installation but I'm sure it shouldn't be this difficult to add this component and get it working
Browse Error
Category: Customer Support
Thank again pedu, I do understand what you are saying and I have experienced that with other joomla sites and it was as you have mentioned above, however all i have on this domain is virtue mart and e-ticket and nothing more not even virtue mart plugins or modules.

I am using default joomla template and all changes I have made are based on your previous suggestion during installation in my previous post
Browse Error
Category: Customer Support

When I add a menu to any of e-tickets pages (linking my main menu) it says Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

I also tried it with Safari and IE and they wont load any pages
Browse Error
Category: Customer Support
Fantastic Support pedu, you are a star, installed like charm thanks
an error
Category: Customer Support
and they are all writable. I dont have any problem installing any other component.

I realised it when i un-install and install the component again
an error
Category: Customer Support
I found the error, when i install , I get these errors

It was not possible to copy the selected file.
It was not possible to copy the selected file.
JFile::move: It was not possible to find, read or write the selected file: '//event/components/com_virtuemart/themes/default/templates/basket/basket_b2c.html.php'

It could be this
an error
Category: Customer Support
Hi Pedu,

Thanks for reply. When I try to create an organisation, it wouldnt let me to add anyone in there

and also what I meant with layout was seat selection graphics and layout of venue im working on.

an error
Category: Customer Support
Hi, I just purchased and installed the component however when i wanna add product it keep saying owner required. Dont know what it is,

Also, it I need to create an new layout for event what should i do?

There is no documentation about that
an error
Category: Customer Support
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