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Profile for neil

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Is it possible to give me some guidance lines please on what to do, and where to go .
Customization proble ...
Category: VM Reports
Hello Pedu,

Vendors should only be able to see their own reports. Vendors have to select their products in a form to see their reports.

But my problem is that, vendors are able to select products that are not theirs, therefore, they can see the statistics/reports of other vendors, and i don't want this to happen.

I have been told by one of your collegues this statement :

Vendor id is necessary to save to session $_SESSION['com_vmreports']['vendor']

But i still don't know what to do.

Do you understand the problem a bit better now ?
Customization proble ...
Category: VM Reports

Yes that is exactly it. On the front end of the site, vendors can see their statistics.

How do you get the vendors id dependency? Do you know where abouts it should be stored and how to do it ?

thank you for your help
Customization proble ...
Category: VM Reports
Hello Pedu,
thank you for responding.

I bought support from the Artio Team. They customized VM Reports just as i wished.

I am able to make vendors sell their products. But when vendors go to their VM Reports page they have access to all other products that have been put up for sale by other members.

I have been told to stop this, i have to go in the source code and that:
"Vendor id is necessary to save to session $_SESSION['com_vmreports']['vendor']"

this is all i have been told to do.
Any ideas ?

Customization proble ...
Category: VM Reports

i am having a bit of a problem customizing VM reports.

I have been told do this in the source code :

Vendor id is necessary to save to session $_SESSION['com_vmreports']['vendor']

Any help on what has to be done

Customization proble ...
Category: VM Reports

I am using a special component where vendors send me their products, then once it's validated by me i sell their products and link to them.

What do i have to do issue this component, or can this be done by you?
Category: VM Reports

I am very interested in buying VM reports, it's exactly what i am looking for.
But i have an important question!

My site sales products on belhalf of my clients. I am able to link a product to a "vendor" (a registered client).

I therefore would like to know if it is possible to use VM Reports at the front end of the site, so that clients can see the ongoing of their sales with the graphs and statistics that VM Reports comes with.

Thank you for your help
Category: VM Reports
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