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Profile for merseyman

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:54
  • Posts: 9
  • Profile Views: 3850
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I just disabled all the Google Analytics options in the joomsef configuration.
Google Analytics - E ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I spent a while finding a solution to this. Here's the plugin I ended up using -
Google Analytics - E ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
We've noticed (I think since the update to 2.0.5) the 'Other Fee/Discount' field in the order entry form doesn't carry forward the decimal when recalculated ie. an order worth £50 with a discount of £20.25 will be calculated to be £30 (not £29.75).

It may not seem like a big issue, but can appear slightly confusing when percentage discounts are entered on manual orders.

Can anyone help with this?

Other Fee/Discount f ...
Category: Customer Support
It was the item table that needed extending (I made it 15%) for me. I tested it by shortening the SKU on one of the invoices ... it then showed on the pdf, so I'm concluding it is related to the SKU/cell size?
SKU in pdf
Category: Customer Support
I've increased the size of the column (and adjusted the others) in the config, but it's not helped.
I don't think it's to do with the column size as it misses off shorter SKUs also .... ?? it does seem strange and doesn't seem to follow any pattern
SKU in pdf
Category: Customer Support
The SKU code is intermittently not showing in the pdf. It doesn't seem to follow any pattern - happening on roughly every 10-15% of invoices produced. The sku's are assigned to every product and are well formed (no spaces, etc), so I can't figure it out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
SKU in pdf
Category: Customer Support
When my client inserts an order manually via VM Invoice, is there a way for it to send the full order details in the (pending) email, rather than just the order status?

It currently sends the status email with a link to view the order details ... which then requires the customer to login (and they obviously don't have a username and password).

Is there a workaround, or a configuration option that we've missed?
manual entry not sen ...
Category: Customer Support
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly ... I'm now sorted, you're a star!
18,79 % tax?
Category: Customer Support
Yes, I think I'm having the same problem (attached image) with 1.7.7 (released on Nov 22nd).
18,79 % tax?
Category: Customer Support
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