There probably won't be an update to the j4 or j5.
So I bought 4SEF
If anyone here wants to try 4SEF as a possible replacement for JoomSEF, please hop over to my website and contact me. We will definitely agree!
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 1 year, 3 months ago
by ma®vays
Is there any way to modify the latest version of JoomSEF to work on joomla 5?
Too bad I'm a graphic designer and SEO. I don't know php :(
4SEO I can't create urls for all components... just articles, virtuemart and a few more. It is unusable. I'm testing it on one site in the 4SEF version.
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 1 year, 3 months ago
by ma®vays
I have it for testing on one site. I can say it is not as good as joomSEF. I wouldn't use it for the e-shop. I have to keep waiting...
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 1 year, 4 months ago
by ma®vays
So, I bought 4SEF and I can say that it is as weak a tool for SEF as sh404sef was. The only advantage is that I can easily edit the joomla url. There is no SEF url setting for components (I can set at most articles), but it's the only thing I urgently need. And I'm still waiting for Artio.
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
by ma®vays
Codre wrote:
I have been looking for a replacement for a long time, but everything is much worse.
Hello. I still hope for Artio. But I have a request. Would you install 4SEO on my site for a reasonable fee so I can try it out?
Write pls to my email info(a)marvays.cz
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
by ma®vays
any news?
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 1 year, 10 months ago
by ma®vays
According to a message directly from the Artio developers, they are now working on both JoomSEF and VMInvoice for joomla 4. So we just have to wait.
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 2 years, 4 months ago
by ma®vays
I manage eshops a lot and need a bit more there... so I have to stay on j3.5 and wait. There is no alternative. Everything else is shit. The problem with JoomSEF is the price. There is no reason to buy the PRO version. That's why everyone uses free. Well, that's why they're not enthusiastic about another update. At the same time, it would not be difficult... every other normal joomla component is already J4 ready.
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 2 years, 5 months ago
by ma®vays
Good. Looks like ARTIO is dead. Or they have completely different interests than Joomla.
That's why I ask the discussants... does anyone know of an alternative? I have experience with sh404sef but this component is very simple and I need something more sophisticated. Something like JoomSEF but from another manufacturer.
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 2 years, 5 months ago
by ma®vays
ColorCat wrote:
Exactly what I needed! You just saved me several hours. Thanks!
I guess I don't understand you.
QR code in invoice
Posted 2 years, 7 months ago
by ma®vays
It's a good thing if you want to go with the times and be modern. Maybe it's a necessity. An opportunity for Artio to sell new licenses with little work. But they probably aren't interested, so we have to look at our competitors.
QR code in invoice
Posted 2 years, 8 months ago
by ma®vays
Is there a way to show the QR code for the payment on the invoice? Can Artio do that? If not, is there any chance that this will be implemented in the future?
QR code in invoice
Posted 2 years, 8 months ago
by ma®vays
ange wrote:
Dear customers,
we are going to release Joomla 4 compatibility with our components in spring 2022.
Have a nice day!
nice :) thx
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Posted 2 years, 10 months ago
by ma®vays
Abych byl upřímný, už se nepamatuju. Momentálně mi to nedělá. Ale proběhly za poslední rok aktualizace jak VM tam Joomsef. Mám tušení, jestli to není vyřešeno přes kanonickou kategorii.
problem with breadcr ...
Posted 2 years, 11 months ago
by ma®vays
I have a problem with breadcrumbs in virtuemart products. When the product is in two categories, the breadcrumbs list both paths in a row. How do I make JoomSEF list only one? Ideally the one I have set as canonical!
When I enable "Ignore multiple sources" in the VM plugin settings, it produces different versions of the sef url, each time with the correct navigation. But I don't want that. I only want one url for a given product, but only with one breadcrumbs.
When I compare it, JoomSEF has a non-sef url:
But SH404SEF has:
The difference is that the second url has & Itemid = 1096
Does this mean that the problem is not in JoomSEF, but in Virtuemart or joomla?
Mám problém s breadcrumbs u produktů virtuemart. Když je produkt ve dvou kategoriích, v breadcrumbs se vypíší obě cesty za sebou. Jak donutím JoomSEF vypsat jen jednu? Ideálně tu, kterou mám nastavenou jako kanonickou!
Když zapnu "Ignore multiple sources" v nastavení VM pluginu, tak vyrobí různé verze sef url, pokaždé se správnou navigací. To ale nechci. Chci pouze jednu url pro daný produkt, ale pouze s jednou breadcrumbs.
Když to porovnám, tak JoomSEF má non-sef url:
Ale SH404SEF má:
Rozdíl je v tom, že druhá url obsahuje &Itemid=1096
Znamená to, že problém není v JoomSEF, ale ve Virtuemart nebo Joomla?
A asi základní otázka . . . . umí to JoomSEF vůbec řešit?
problem with breadcr ...
Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
by ma®vays
JoomSEF has rich configuration options, so it can be configured to generate the same url you have now. It just takes a little work.
Falang and Url
Posted 3 years, 10 months ago
by ma®vays
dobrý den.
zpomalování generování fakturace došlo tak daleko, že se faktura nevygeneruje a ohlásí:
Internal Server Error
Pri zpracovani pozadavku doslo k vnitrni chybe. Pravdepodobne se jedna o chybu v .htaccess souboru.
Ctete instrukce v nasi znalostni bazi: Chyba 500 - Internal Server Error
v error logu:
[Tue Oct 04 11:37:07.828762 2016] [fcgid:warn] [pid 13114:tid 140488694814464] [client] mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 310 seconds, referer: lukysipy.cz/administrator/index.php?opti...;controller=invoices
[Tue Oct 04 11:37:07.828834 2016] [core:error] [pid 13114:tid 140488694814464] [client] End of script output before headers: index.php, referer: lukysipy.cz/administrator/index.php?opti...;controller=invoices
kde je chyba?
používám verzi 2.0.19 a joomlu 2.5.28
Zrychlení / archivac ...
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
by ma®vays
Dobrý den.
Instaloval jsem před léty klientovi do eshopu vaše rozšíření. I po letech je spokojen. Stěžuje si pouze na zpomalení fakturace. Tipuji, že vliv na to má to, že za ty 4 roky, co fakturaci používá, mám velké množství objednávek a faktur, které mu zapřičiňují to, že zpomalují práci.
Dá se stím něco udělat? Přesněji, co je v takových situacích obvyklé? Klient má ve fakturaci všechny faktury, které kdy vytvořil (cca 14 tisíc) . . . měl by je promazávat? Nebo je musí v systému archivovat?
Z pohledu účetnictví je asi v systému mít nemusí. Ale když je smaže, tak je zřejmě neuvidí ve svém účtu uživatel. Nebo se pletu?
Zrychlení / archivac ...
Posted 8 years, 5 months ago
by ma®vays
Hi. Please can you consider expanding your product for Opencart? When you adjust the invoice for AceShop, it will be possible to get a simple and invoicing orders from OpenCart. It will be perfect. Will you think about it for a moment?
Invoice for OpenCart ...
Posted 10 years, 4 months ago
by ma®vays
Good day. When editing an invoice in the drop-down menu with transportation and payment displayed text. It happened after one year of operation of the site, we edited VM2. He does this in all versions Invoice from 2.0.19 to 2.0.28
I tried to search in the database. To me a VM Invoice remembers something different than he has. But after a few reistalech, complete proazání DB FTP and the result is still the same: (
Can you advise where I find fault?
Shipping and Payment ...
Posted 10 years, 5 months ago
by ma®vays
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