Hi There,
We would like to get another URL into the Extension. Is it possible for us get instruction how to do this?
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by julianperera
it would be better if we can get this changed now.
but we are having issues in getting the VAT field on the Profile section. Do we need to do anything additionally to achieve this?
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
We have checked it now and it's working and thank for explaining us the issue in details.
That would mean we need to change the live website URL as well. Currently we have registered www.skyworks.co.uk but this should be archive.skyworks.co.uk/buy this where the actual Magento installation would be.
Could you please get this fixed as well.
So far we have had a very good experience with you'll. I would personally write a review on the experience.
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
Thanks for that information.
Is that possible for you to change this to point to the correct URL. It was a mistake our part by providing the wrong location at the point we bought the extension.
Kind Regards,
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
Hi There,
We have checked it and we're still experiencing the same issue.
FYI: I sending some more information herewith. - This is actual Magento installation location, where Magento will run from.
83e6476a347e0ed9a0e2e36c1432f7c1 - This is the "Download ID" we're using,
Thanks for the support so far, let' get this sorted.
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
We're still experiencing the same error.
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
Sorry the link was down temporarily , now its back up
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
Hi lubi
We did register our test server details at the point of purchase which is http:
Our invoice number of the purchase is 23033
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
We recently purchased the Magento extension VAT Checker.
From the test server when we try to install the extension we're experienced with a error saying invalid domain. Can someone be able to help us with this issues.
This is very urgent.
VAT Checker - Error
Posted 13 years ago
by julianperera
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