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Profile for jbaharudin

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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I've looked at the component and yes, I do know how to change JoomSef URL's, however it seems I am having a bit of a problem as all of the URL's it's created are including and putting undesirable elements into the URLS.

for example,

JoomSef is creating URL's which look like these:

when in fact I desire my URL's to look like this:

Since my main menu item is "Welcome", and my dogtraining category has no parent category, it looks as though JoomSef is assuming and writing it as if my "Welcome" menu entry was actually the parent item of my category (of which it was not)?

in the same manner, anything that is put into "uncategorized" as a category comes out like the following:

when in fact it is more pleasing just to see it as

Now normally, I can change the URL's manually yes, but if your site is massive in terms of content, categories and articles like mine, this becomes a real pain. Is there any way I could change these URL's and remove the unwanted parts of the menu without spending massive time trying to edit every single article?
How to Configure URL ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Thank you very much - all my problems were the result of mod_rewrite not being enabled on my Apache. I didn't know how to set it on but eventually I figured it out, and the results are looking great.

Thank you dajo :)
500 error followed b ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

When I first installed the latest of version Joomsef404 on my localhost server which is using WAMPserver on my 64bit Windows 7, I automatically started getting a 500 error on every single page,backend and frontend. I read the FAQ section, and I deleted every htaccess file. There were two when I found them, one is an unaltered htaccess.txt file that came with the fresh install, and one named .htaccess which evidently is the one causing all the problems.

After I made backups and deleted both of these files, I was able to access the backend and frontend once again. The links on my site are now search engine friendly. However, any frontend link on my site outside of the main page gives me a Not Found error. If I try accessing using the old links with the ids in them they work fine.

I tried using a fresh htaccess.txt from a Joomla installer and renaming it to .htaccess. It still will not work, and if I have this file in my joomla directory I cannot literally access anything. Can anyone please assist me with this? I'm not sure at all what to do.
500 error followed b ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
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