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Profile for indepenick

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 19:12
  • Posts: 12
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Thanks for the update, which we have installed.
The UK address Format works great too:)

Many thanks

Unable to Edit and S ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello Ferenc,

This is the response I got from Artio.

Hello. Can you describe the error - is there some message or button
> just doesn't work? And what is your version of Joomla! and VirtueMart?
> Best of all would be if you can send us admin access to
> This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Pavel - was very good. We granted Admin access rights. Artio logged into our backend, rolled back the software to V 2.0.13 and fixed the most recent Invocies.

I suggest you email Pavel.

Good Luck

Unable to Edit and S ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello Pama,

Thats great.

Many thanks


Case Closed :)
Unable to Edit and S ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello Pama,

Yes that appears to have solved the issue. Going forwards new orders I trust can be edited?

One last uestion totally un-related but to do with the PDF invoice. We have been unable to get out company address to display in the correct order in the Footer, when of Invoices that are sent out as mail.
The Postcode should follow the County, but is stuck in front of the town name.

There is no setting for UK Mailing address, in the set-up.

Many thanks

Unable to Edit and S ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello Pama,

Thanks for the reply. I have responded to your email with Admin rights.

Kind regards

Unable to Edit and S ...
Category: Customer Support

Following the recent upgrade we have in stalled on the VM Invoice system to version 2.0.14.
We can no longer Edit Orders created by the customer and save them.

As most customers are lazy and do not capitalise their name or address, we change this manually.
And type in delivery information.
Be we cannot Save / or Apply Save this?

Our get around at the moment is to save / export the pdf and edit in Open Office, save and send to customer.
And do the same to create the Delivery Note.

We have looked, but the old VM Invoice 2.0.13 is not available to Roll Back to, which would fix the immediate problem until the above is fixed.

Kind regards

Unable to Edit and S ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi David,

My apologies.

If we are unable to update / fix our Joomsef, we will contact Artio re. Some support work.

Many thanks

How long does it tak ...
Category: JoomSEF
Please can you confirm how long it takes to change the Registered URL?
You have confirmed our payment on the 06.02.2012.

You have confirmed our fee for changing this, but have yet to instigate. Urgent Action is required.

Many thanks
How long does it tak ...
Category: JoomSEF
Many thanks Jan,

All sorted.

How do we change TAX ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi Jan,

Thanks for that. I will forward to my developer and let you know how we get on.

Many thanks

How do we change TAX ...
Category: Customer Support

I have an issue on my site. I am not sure if it is down to JoomSEF or if it is Joomla / Virtuemart.

When I have a URL it has the category name in twice. For example if the category is called widgets, the url will be called:

Widgets also appears twice in the Breadcrumbs

How can I check if this is JoomSEF related?
Duplicate Category N ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

We have recently installed the PDF Virtuemart invoicing to our Checkout.

In the UK, the TAX is referred to as VAT.

How can we change this?

Is their a seperate field to Enter the TAX or VAT Registered number?

With kind regards

How do we change TAX ...
Category: Customer Support
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