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Profile for graphitiks

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 11
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Ok, looks like the SEF URLs were messing with it. However, the website doesn't seem to be receiving the payment notifications. I've tried setting the PayPal verify URL to both & with neither working.

The current PayPal IPN settings are still set to my old website: /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/notify.php
Do I need to change it to something else?

PayPal sends this notification URL with purchases made in my new website though: ?option=com_vmeticket &task=paypal.receivePayment&order_id=9
PayPal Payment
Category: Customer Support
I do have it set as here's the rest of the URL expanded:


That's the expanded half of the URL that didn't show up in my last post. As you can see, I have the correct paypal URL - that first part before the "" is being automatically generated by the component.
PayPal Payment
Category: Customer Support
That didn't work - after I click on the Submit button in checkout I get sent to the following page: with an error: 500.
PayPal Payment
Category: Customer Support
Ok, I've purchased the new component and I'm a bit confused about the paypal payment plugin settings. Where do I get the PayPal site URL and PayPal verify URL from? I can't seem to find anything within paypal.
PayPal Payment
Category: Customer Support
Hello again,

I purchased the J1.5 version of the VMeTicket component less than a month ago and now we're upgrading our site from J1.5 to J2.5 since there have been a few issues with J1.5. Is there any way I can get access to the J2.5 version of the component?
J2.5 Component
Category: Customer Support
Reinstalled the Component/Recreated the ticket and it seems to be working fine now.
Ticket Checking Erro ...
Category: Customer Support
I am logged in as a user withing the owner organisation, I still get the same errors.
Ticket Checking Erro ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello again,

I keep getting these two errors whenever I try to validate a ticket:

- Your organization does not have a permission to validate the ticket.
- No ticket found. Maybe, this ticket type is not selected.

My user is in the organisation and I've set the organisation permissions to all and the ticket type to VMeTicket. I've also tried setting the user permissions within virtuemart to shopper, demo, storeadmin, and admin and none have worked. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Ticket Checking Erro ...
Category: Customer Support
Awesome, it's working now - can't believe I missed that. Thanks for your help!
Unable to create any ...
Category: Customer Support
I can create objects and plugins just fine.

When I try to fill in a username in the input box, it doesn't let me type anything. When I try to save the organisation first it won't save - it'll tell me it saved but when it takes me back to the organisations tab there's nothing there.
Unable to create any ...
Category: Customer Support

I'm using VMeTicket 1.0.0 with VirtueMart 1.1.9 on Joomla 1.5.25 and something seems to be wrong with the component. When I try to create a new organisation I can't see any of my users in the list and, once I input the attributes and save, it will tell me it saved successfully but when I go back to the list there is nothing there. Because of this I can't create any Tickets because I have to set a Ticket Owner which I can't do if I don't have any users/organisations.

Registration info is recognized and it says that VMeTicket 1.0.0 is the Newest Version.
Unable to create any ...
Category: Customer Support
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