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Profile for gintaras46

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 18:06
  • Posts: 5
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By the way, if You'll perform tests, it brakes some other components, and today I have had to turn it off completely, including ARTIO JoomSEF. It brakes, for example, Classified ads component. Sad, but after paying I have returned to the start of my job and now I do not use SEF. Because of timeline I can not perform any investigation on this issue. And client has desided to not use any SEF for a while.
SOBI2 URLs not worki ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Yes, now it works, but not without the trics. I have to install additional third party modules to make extension to work. As a stand alone ARTIO extension it isn't working. You should reconsider to charge it 12,5 Euro, it worth less, because of these trics. If user does not know programming and does not know how Joomla relations between files are made, it worthless.
SOBI2 URLs not worki ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Never mind, found it already.
SOBI2 URLs not worki ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

would someone investigate this issue, or should I request my money back. I will never pay for not working products.
SOBI2 URLs not worki ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
After disabling recommended setting in SOBI2, extension starts working in strange way:

1. URLs are rewritten only when visiting it second time (first time URL is showing as usual with all php 's =?& and so on).
2. only categories are rewritten, not listings - that's is most confusing because extension was bought exactly for listings and it's not working.

Any ideas?
SOBI2 URLs not worki ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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