Hi there,.
That has helped me sort my problem, but it really is something that needs looking at.
I tried adding additional entries in hidden menu but it still caused problems as I do have two entries in the main menu.
The final workaround/fix was for me to remove all menu items that use the joomdoc link and then add the menu item as an external link to take me to the folder and the search then works.
There is definitely some odd inconsistent results there which want to be sorted, but at least my sites working again now.
Many thanks for your help!
Now if I could just sort the performance on displaying a directory of items in the folder I'd be a really happy bunny :)
Search problems - re ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by derekf
Search problems - re ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by derekf
Hi there,
If I use the JoomDOC button in my editor and then navigate to the directory I want to select the document from, I only get about 20 documents displayed with no way of scrolling past these, and the filter does not work.
This means I can't insert documents into my articles having upload hundreds of docs.
This is urgent please.
JoomDOC Editor butto ...
Posted 12 years, 7 months ago
by derekf
Hi there,
In the last week or so I've started having some strange errors in JoomDOC.
Configuration is fairly simple - all options are set to No except Use Search.
If I sue the JoomDOC control panel in the backend and go to the root of documents and add a new directory I get the following error message:
Folder /var/www/vhosts/pplir.org/secure/documents/test7 already exists
However the folder is created and appears in FTP and in the frontend and backend
If I then add a document to that directory then that works fine.
I can upload files into that directory and add documents to those files all fine.
Now if I go to the front end where I've got a menu item that shows the document root I can see all the directories I've created
However, if I click on one of them (the link ends with /download) I get and error that says:
JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /var/www/vhosts/pplir.org/secure/documents/.versions/.test7/.0
File no available
This is very odd as I'm not using any file versioning (and from checking with FTP there is no .versions subdirectory.
However, if I click on the "Show Folder" link (the link ends with /detail), then all of the files are displayed.
The final strange problem is that I have a couple of directories on there where if I click on the "Show Folder" link I get the following error:
403 - JERROR_ALERTNOAUTHOR /var/www/vhosts/pplir.org/secure/documents/Annual Accounts/annual-accounts /var/www/vhosts/pplir.org/secure/documents/Annual Accounts
These folders also give slightly different errors if I click on the folder name:
JFolder: :files: Path is not a folder. Path: /var/www/vhosts/pplir.org/secure/documents/Annual Accounts/.versions/.annual-accounts/.0
JFile: :read: Unable to open file: /var/www/vhosts/pplir.org/secure/documents/Annual Accounts/annual-accounts
File no available
This is really frustrating as I can't figure out what it is and want to be able to post a link to the root of my directory structure for members to access and we go live next weekend.
Any ideas or help would really be appreciated.
Strange errors in fr ...
Posted 12 years, 7 months ago
by derekf
Hi there,
We've migrated our website from using PDFindexer on standard files to using JoomDOC.
Whilst there are some great new features, one of the issues that is causing some concerns is the loss of functionality in search.
If we use the Joomla search module to search for a word that exists in both articles and the content of documents the search results display all the article and joomdoc matching articles and document links, however under the article links is a short segment of text with the searched for word highlighted, but there is nothing under the joomdoc document link.
Is it possible for this to be displayed, or if not can we raise an enhancement request as it's a backward step for us and would be a real benefit for anybody else.
Search plugin not di ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by derekf
If I use the JoomDOC button in the editor and insert a link to download the file only then the file will download OK, but if I insert a link to display the file information it seem to insert a link to the administration site. Why is that the case? Surely it should be going to the document info in the front end and not the admin site?
Inserting link to di ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by derekf
I've managed to hide the items like "show open file" etc, but cannot hide the download link as even setting this in the menu does not work.
I get the filename on the first line (which if I click on will download the file)
On the second line I get size, created and downloaded (which I'm happy with)
But I can't get rid of the Download link appearing on the third line.
Any ideas?
Hide "show download ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by derekf
I get the indicated error in admin, front end works just fine.
Any ideas why this is happening?
You aren't allowed t ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by derekf
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