Is there a way to template the HTML views of com_booking using the standard Joomla method of doing template override. Thus having the following template structure for com_booking:
This would live make so much easier :-)
Thanks for any reply
Joomla HTML-Template ...
Posted 11 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
Thanks a lot! This solved the issue!
Javascript error on ...
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by das.zeichen
have you already found a fix to this problem? It is actually a bit of a show stopper for us, and it would be great to have it fixes asap.
Javascript error on ...
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by das.zeichen
Very good! Thanks a lot. This looks promising, and seems to solve the issue. I will have to adapt a bit the template, but it's okay.
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
Yes, I did that. But this doesn't affect the problem. I have attached the new settings together with the template that comes with com_booking:
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
Okay, so maybe I just didn't understand the way the reservation system works.
Where can I set this global time interval? Because as of now I defined all my time intervals in the "Prices" tab of the "Object". So I defined a reservation persion during weekdays from 17:00-00:00, and on weekends it is from 00:00-00:00 (e.g. 24hrs). But if it is possible to tell the system, that there is always a 24hrs interval, but reservations are only possible during the defined time period, then this would be the solution for my problem.
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
Yes, I modified the weekly calendar template overwrite. However, if I use the default template the problem is still there. It is obvious that there must be this problem if you look at the code in the template:
foreach ($this->days->calendar as $firstDay) { /* @var $firstDay BookingDay */ $pricesPositions = array(); foreach ($firstDay->boxes as $bkey => $box) {
this will iterate through all the days, and all boxes per day starting from the firstday in the array. However, if the first day in the array doesn't contain the same amount of boxes as all the others, then it will render only the amount of boxes for a specific day. This will break the view of the weekly calendar.
It would be good to build a time grid (from-to) and then render the boxes of each respective day within this time grid.
What do you think?
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
Here come the screenshots.
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
It seems as if the algorithm for the hourly labels takes just the $firstday into account, not the day with the longest reservation period...
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
If I set up different reservation schedules for a meeting room, then the weekly calendar is not showing the correct hours anymore:
The meeting room can be reserved from 17:00 to 07:00 during weekdays
On weekends the room can be reserverd from 07:00-00:00
The weekly calendar only shows the labels from 17:00 - 07:00 (the weekend hours are completely missing...)
Any solution to this?
Weekly calendar does ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
The bug is still there... why hasn't it been fixed? Not good for a paid extension.
Bugreports: Booking ...
Posted 12 years, 4 months ago
by das.zeichen
Hi, the issue is still there, and a new version has been released.. Could you please check if you could solve this as we have paid for the extension, and my client is now starting to look for another solution...
Bugreports: Booking ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by das.zeichen
I have the same problem here: if you have set up a booking on an hourly base, it is not possible to define the booking price range to something like this: 08:00 - 00:00 (this results always in a warning, that the start time is greater than the end time..).
As a workaround I have set the following range
08:00 - 23:59
This has the drawback that in the daily view of the booking form the last hour (23:00-00:00) is not represented...
Any advice or idea about this?
24 hours booking
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by das.zeichen
Hi There
I have some issues with the booking process. I have set up an object (meeting room), that can be booked on an hourly base. So far so good. Everything works as expected, except for two small things:
1.) If I want to book multiple bookings at once (I book the room for this week, then next week, and so on in one session), the weekly calendar doesn't mark the already booked hours. Therefore a user cannot see if he or she has already booked this hour or not.
2.) If there the room is already booked by another person, this is properly marked in the weekly calendar. However, if I set under "Prices" the "Book over timeliness" to true then another person is able to book the room twice by setting the start date and end date just before and after the already booked slot. If I set the "Book over timeliness" to false, this behaviour is gone, and another user can not override already existing bookings.
I am going to buy this extension for a customer, but I really like to have those issue fixed, as these are sort of a show stopper for my client.
Thanks for any reply
Bugreports: Booking ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by das.zeichen
How did you solve it? Do you mind sharing this information as I am having the same issue...
Mootools and/or java ...
Posted 13 years, 2 months ago
by das.zeichen
Ok, thanks. I'll try it this way.
[TODO] Custom user i ...
Posted 13 years, 3 months ago
by das.zeichen
Hello, you can select "supplements" for object. They can be free as well payed. For example color: red, green, blue or yes/no options. So, this could fit your needs. Or were you requesting something more?
Okay, I could go with this. But I was more hoping of additional fields that could be added to the customer info, when booking an object. E.g.:
Internal Booking: [ ] yes
Membership ID: [ ]
It seems as I cannot add manually additional user input fields?
Thanks for the reply
[TODO] Custom user i ...
Posted 13 years, 3 months ago
by das.zeichen
Do you know if this is already implemented, and if not when do you expect it to be implemented (I will buy the pro version if this is included :-)
[TODO] Custom user i ...
Posted 13 years, 3 months ago
by das.zeichen
Oh great.. yes, there was a caching issue, and now it's working on my side as well! Thanks for the great support!
Core Joomla RSS-Feed ...
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by das.zeichen
Okay, after having added the RegEx format=feed to the content extension within Artio SEF, and cleaned the cache and purged all SEF-URLs, I get a 404-error when I try to subscribe the RSS-Feed. (I click on the RSS-Icon in the FF-browser-address-bar).
And it seems that the URL is still being translated...
But maybe, that's already a step further?
URL is: www.bis.info/de/rss
Core Joomla RSS-Feed ...
Posted 15 years, 1 month ago
by das.zeichen
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