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Profile for buprestidae

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 12
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No, I saw the meta tags with firebug. I discovered that it is a joomla problem, which occurred when I wrote meta tags in the menu item. If I don't write meta tags in the menu item linked to category or article, meta tags displayed are those of the respective categories and articles. I did not know this! ;-) :-)

edit: Thank you for your answer and sorry for my bad english, I'm trying to learn joomla and English ;-)
article k2's Meta ta ...
Category: Extensions
I have joomSef4 but in the list "Components without SEF Extension installed" there is joomSport..
Joomsport pages have home page's meta tags. Is there Joomsport extension for joomSef4?
joomSport for joomSe ...
Category: Extension Requests
My menu is:
-menu item 1 (category1 k2)
-menu item 2 (category2 k2)

For menu item 1, meta tags and description are those of the menu item 1 (it's ok) and not those of the category.
When I browse in category 1, each article k2 has meta tags and description of the menu item1 linked to category 1.
Many articles with the same description and meta tags, is it possible? this is not good for seo.

My configuration for meta tags and description:

Please help me :) I do not have this problem with products virtuemart. Each product has its meta tags and description!
article k2's Meta ta ...
Category: Extensions
I have joomsef 4.4.0, k2 - joomsef 3.0.13 and virtuemart - joomsef 3.0.10 in my site. The site has Joomla 2.5.9, virtuemart 2.0.18a and K2 v2.6.5.

There is a problem with article k2's meta tags and descriptions:
In the article view, if an item k2 is not linked to a menu item, description and meta tags shown are those of the menu item linked to a category k2 and not those included in the article k2!
My menu is:
-menu item 1 (category1 k2)
-menu item 2 (category2 k2)

In the category there are many articles k2 and I can not link each article to a menu item and rewrite meta tags and descriptions for all articles.
k2 is an extension for the blog. In very large blog, the articles are divided into categories and the menu is only for categories and not for each article created.
Can you help me?

Sorry for the bad english
article k2's Meta ta ...
Category: Extensions
My setup is:
Set page base href value: Yes - always use only base URL
You see

But I'm sorry I made an error: last week disabling "Parse Joomla SEO links" in JoomSEF's configuration on the Advanced tab, 404 page work, but Virtuemart didn't work very well (i.e. add to cart popup did not open).
Now, with Parse Joomla SEO links : "No" it's perfectly and all virtuemart popups open.
Thanks and regards
Page 404 not work
Category: JoomSEF 4
I solved by setting:
"Set page base href value: Yes - always use only base URL"
and ...
deleting the cache!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for your attention
confict script with ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Disabling "Parse Joomla SEO links" in JoomSEF's configuration on the Advanced tab, 404 page work, but more component don't work (i.e. pop-ups and other things on the virtuemart).
Page 404 not work
Category: JoomSEF 4
I read the post
Also in my site this behavior is not due to the enabling/disabling JoomSEF extension Virtuemart, but only for JoomSEF Extension 4.4.0.
"Using the Script ajax Countries / Regions" is checked in VirtueMart backend.
I tried to change the values ​​of "Set page base href value", deleting and regenerating-sef url, but the problem is still there:
Regions/States dropdown list does not autopopulate in VirtueMart frontend (i.e. the Regions/States dropdown list is empty).
confict script with ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I bought JoomSEF 4.4.0 but the switch from the free version to the paid version, the 404 custom page does not work!
How I can do?
Page 404 not work
Category: JoomSEF 4
thanks for the reply. I solved by connecting each category and subcategory K2 to a menu item
joomsef4_k2 category ...
Category: Extensions
I bought JoomSEF 4.4.0, and the extension for virtuemart (version 3.0.10). When I active JoomSEF a conflict script does not load the list "State / Province / Region" in the user details (index.php? Option = com_virtuemart & view = user & layout = edit).
I have disabled all extensions, but the one that makes conflict is..just JoomSEF!
How can I remove the conflict?
confict script with ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I bought and installed com_joomsef4 and ext_joomsef4_k2. but the friendly url generated for the Children categories (not linked with a menù items) have a espression type: I have linked a menu item to the K2 »Categories and the url generated is, but when I navigate in the categories daughters I have ( and I don't have a url as

In the option joomsef4_k2 I have:
Add category to URL "No" because I don't want name category in all menù items, but only in but only in navigation by category. Is this possible?
Thank you
sorry for my terrible english!
joomsef4_k2 category ...
Category: Extensions
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