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Profile for boss

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:12
  • Posts: 1
  • Profile Views: 2909
  • Location: Unknown
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Birthdate: Unknown




Dear all, I have one problem. I use the advanced search according to paramaters on my web site and it is not functional. When I want to find for example tyres according to width and I give 125 like input, it is my smallest width (because now I use just 255 and 125) it founds them. But when I give 255 like input, it founds me all tyres (255 and 125 too). Could you please advice me, what can be the problem? I have declared width like multiple values, beacuse I dont want to have these mathematical marks (=,>,...) but it is the same with integer too.

Thanks very much
Advanced search acco ...
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