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Profile for blocki

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:13
  • Posts: 6
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Correct, in my account I don't have a booking1, only a 2. But I am also admin of a site where I did not buy the booking module. i will leave it like this for now, as long as we are not using the extra fields.

Thanks for your reply, Ronald :)
invalid argument sup ...
Category: Customer Support
Any php file with the following lines in it give me an error:
<?php foreach ($config->rsExtra as $field) { ?>

The error is => warning: invalid argument supplied for foreach() .....

This suddenly showed up, even in the administrator side of the website?

Any idea how this can be. We didn't change the site for more than 4 weeks and now this error shows up.

I deleted all those lines with code to display the extra customer fields for now.

We use Artio booking 1.4.3 in Joomla 2.5.7
invalid argument sup ...
Category: Customer Support
I found the problem!

If you use CodeMirror as editor, you are not able to make a new bookable item.

When you use CodeMirror, you are not seeing the description field and you are not able to click on 'Save &Close', 'Save' or 'Cancel'.

Using JCE or default editor, it works perfectly :)

Greetings, blocki
Cannot create new re ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
I deleted the complete version 2, and I am now using version 1, but I still have the same problem.
Clicking on save doesn't do anything, except when I do something wrong, it points me to the error.
For example if I forget to add a title, it gives this error.

But if everything is filled in, no reaction from the 'save', or 'save and close' button.
Cannot create new re ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

and I am trying to attach a file here, but it doesn't work so, I uploaded one to my server.

Greetings, Ronald

Cannot create new re ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I have the free version for testing and if it all works, I am going to buy it for a 120 beds hostel.
So I am setting it up and I can not create a reservation type.
When I choose daily and I click 'save' nothing happens.
If I click save again, it asks for time values... This is only for 'hourly'

Even if I give in time values, still nothing happens.

I tried to empty chache, different browsers, but all the same problem.

Thank you for your assistance.

blocki :)
Cannot create new re ...
Category: Pre-sale Questions
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