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Profile for Barbara_K

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:49
  • Posts: 15
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Thank you. I'll ask my customer. How much is 1 hour of paid support?
Items bookable with ...
Category: Customer Support
In our case multiple reservations are disabled, customers can only book one item at a time. So that would not be a problem.
Items bookable with ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, my customer wants the following feature:

There are six items. Four can be booked by registered users, without manager confirming the bookings. Two items should be bookable with manager confirmation only.

I've tried all kind of settings (e.g. permissions of the item, permissions in the Booking configuration, different user groups), none of them worked, as the requested feature (manager has to confirm reservation) is a global setting affecting ALL the items.

Do you know how to solve this?
Items bookable with ...
Category: Customer Support
Ups, that setting was too well hidden for me.... Everything fine now! Thx for the quick help.
Customer names are n ...
Category: Customer Support
I do have the correct settings. See screenshot:

Worked fine in the older Booking version.
Customer names are n ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, after updating to the newest Booking Version 2.2.9 customer names are not displayed anymore in the calendar, although "Show customer name in calendar" is set to yes.

See source code:

	<span class="week">22</span>
<td class="day reserved" style="background-color: #FF8A8A" title="">
<span class="date" >26 May</span>


Only when logged in as manager the names are displayed.
Customer names are n ...
Category: Customer Support
Did the manual update - there's is still a nasty error in the bookable item detail. Seems some database column is missing or wrongly named:

1054 Unknown column 'c.color' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT c.title, c.text, c.color,, c.date_up, c.date_down, c.time_up, c.time_down FROM jos_booking_closingday AS c JOIN jos_booking_closingday_subject AS s ON s.closingday_id = WHERE subject_id = 42

Item list and reservations look fine so far (not wasted too much time on testing though as the above error occurred)
Fatal Error after up ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, my provider upgraded my Joomla version from 3.1.5 to 3.3..

Since the, the Book-it component (2.2) doesn't work any more. Only blank pages are shown in both frontend and backend. Displaying the pages in the error reporting mode, following fatal errors are reported:

Fatal error: Declaration of TableSubject::store() must be compatible with JTableInterface::store($updateNulls = false) in /home/weblicre/public_html/tulambenresidencech/portal/administrator/components/com_booking/tables/subject.php on line 644

Fatal error: Declaration of TableReservation::bind() must be compatible with JTableInterface::bind($src, $ignore = Array) in /home/weblicre/public_html/tulambenresidencech/portal/administrator/components/com_booking/tables/reservation.php on line 312
Fatal Error after up ...
Category: Customer Support
Any hints yet? Customer wants to take the website online.
Date range search: B ...
Category: Customer Support
There seems to be a bug in the display of results from the date range search filter:

I have set the bookable date period to 36 months and the number of months displayed in the item list to 3 months, starting from 0. If I run a search beyond these 3 months, the calenders being displayed in the item list still show the 3 months starting from now instead of months within the search range (see screenshot). The filter itself works fine, that is only available objects are being displayed, it's only the display of the months that doesn't adapt according to the date range search.

Any ideas?
Date range search: B ...
Category: Customer Support
here you go (Frontend view and Backend settings)
Hide Occupancy Colum ...
Category: Customer Support
How can I prevent the occupancy column in the reservations list from being displayed? I've set "Show Occupancy" to no, but the (empty) column still shows up in the reservation list table.
Hide Occupancy Colum ...
Category: Customer Support
Great! Problem solved - didn't think of the plugin manager. Thx for the fast reply!
Change text of Jooml ...
Category: Customer Support

I want to change the following text appearing in the frontend after registration:

"After your registration in Joomla were create customer account in Booking component. You are now able to make reservations."

I found this text hardcoded in the xml-File booking.xml in the folder /plugins/user/booking (label AFTER_CREATE_MESSAGE). The same label AFTER_CREATE_MESSAGE is called for in the file en-GB.plg_user_booking.ini . Changes in both files don't have any effects at all. So where can I adapt the above text?
Change text of Jooml ...
Category: Customer Support
I'm experiencing the same problems:
No bookings possible as global manager
Customer names only displayed when logged in as global manager

(Joomla 3.1.5, Book it 2)

Any solution? These are crucial requirements for my customer.

pbeks wrote:
When I book an item in the calendar as a normal user then this wil show up on the calendar as occupied.
However when I book as an global manager then the calendar will not show the booked dates !!

When I view the calendar as a normal user then I can only see that the dates are occupied and if I hover over the date then I get a tooltip with username who booked.
However when I view calendar as global manger then the occupied dates will show with username displayed and hovertip is booking

I would like the be able to book as a global manager and Always show the username for the booked date no matter if I am global manager or user.
Joomla 3.0 Booking 2 ...
Category: Customer Support
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