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Profile for atrus80

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:16
  • Posts: 55
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Test Site:
Joomla 2.5.6
Virtuemart 2.0.10
Joomsef 4.2.8
Joomsef Virtuemart Extension 3.0.6


Hi to all,

Noted the following duplicate url issue:

URL Example:


Imo, one of the lang / language vars can be removed; hope to see a fix soon.

Duplicate Lang url v ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi to all,

In VM extension, we have selected Pagination handling -> Non-SEF but the 'limit' variable is not showing in the pagination links, only the 'limitstart'.

We try to empty the "Default list limit" but whenever we click save it goes back to 0.

We are trying to implement a caching solution for the navigation pages and we need the 'limit' variable to be present in the urls, just like VM2 default behaviour.

Thanks in advance,
Virtuemart 2 'limit' ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi to all,

We have noted some problems when using item discounts. Please see attached image.

We need a fix to be included asap in VMInvoice 2.0.26 within this week. Pls advise support time and cost if required to assist you.

Paid Support for Cal ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok, i think i found the problem, this is VMInvoice bug:

VMInvoice is not accepting the character ' in the product names!!

Please correct asap, thank you!

message "Send failed ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

We have the same issue with our VMInvoice (2.0.25), it happens when adding some products (not all). I don't remembering this happening prior to 2.0.24.

We checked Chrome console:

Refused to set unsafe header "Content-length" index.php:1
Refused to set unsafe header "Connection" index.php:1
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)…&order_payment=0&order_payment_tax=0&order_shipping=0&order_shipping_tax=0

The javascripts loaded are (in this order):


Would appreciate your advice asap, this is big problem for us.

message "Send failed ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

Just checking the cron job feature; whatever the combination the crontab file is empty (0 kb)

Any ideas?

Using Joomsef 4.4.1

Crontab File Empty?
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi David,

We are interested to proceed with the multilanguage-multidomain sitemaps. Please PM or send us an email with the details in order to proceed.

Multi Sitemap
Category: JoomSEF 4

Thanks for your reply; ok i understand your point, but if you can add these 3 additional replacement fields as stated before it is fine:

- Coupon Discount without Tax

- Total Tax after coupon discount

- Subtotal without shipping

using the above we can override any issues with VM and we don't have to wait until the feature is stable etc... which might be very late... or never! At the moment we are unable to produce any correct invoices and we need to find a solution asap.

Thanks in advance.

More replacement fie ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

We have disabled Default Indexed in the Sitemap config options, but the urls are created indexed in the sitemap section. We are using latest version 4.4.0

Would appreciate your comments!

Sitemap Default Inde ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi to all,

Notice that when in code-edit mode, any changes in the Invoice Template don't get saved. In HTML mode, they are saved ok. Using TinyMCE editor. (Just tried with another editor, JoomlaCK and it is working ok)

Invoice Template not ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

At the moment, there are a few things that are critical for us and seem to be not possible with VMInvoice; some more replacement field are required (under Order Prices column).

(The problem is that our shop uses coupon discounts BEFORE tax, and it seems that there is no support for this in VMInvoice?)

- {Coupon Discount without Tax}. At the moment, the {coupon_discount} field shows the discount with tax. The problem is also visible in the order management as the item discounts and coupon discounts are calculated and shown with tax always! This is not good for all shops.

- {Total Tax after coupon discount}. It is strange, but we haven't managed to locate a field to show the correct tax after discount.

- {Subtotal without shipping}. We need to be able to separate the product subtotal from the shipping. VMInvoice only calculates subtotal as product subtotal+shipping!

Let me explain above; let's suppose we have the following order:

Product Subtotal: 1008€
Shipping: 59.80€
Subtotal: 1067.80€
Tax 18% : 192,20€
Total: 1260€

So far so good. The problem for us is when applying the coupon discount (only to the products, before tax), e.g. 35% this case.

Normally it must be:

Product Subtotal: 1008€
Coupon Discount: -352.8€ (35%) <- This is the correct discount without the tax! VMInvoice will wrongly show 352.8*1.18=416.3€!)
Shipping: 57.80€
New Subtotal: 713€
New Tax 18% : 128.34€ (This is the new tax! VMInvoice cannot calculate this! It will still show 192,20€ but this is not correct!)
New Total: 843.7€

We hope that the issue is clear for you. We'd appreciate your advise asap, as at the moment we cannot produce correct invoices for our company.

Thank you in advance,
More replacement fie ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi Maju,

We just use VM2's native multilingual capabilities to translate product names etc...

Wrong language for p ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

As a suggestion for improvement when creating an order in the VMInvoice backend, it would be great to show the weight of the order as you add products / modify their qtys. This is useful for many, because depending on the weight, you select the shipping method. Otherwise you have to calculate it manually every time you make an order.

Suggestion for when ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

We have a multilingual Joomla 2.5 - Virtuemart 2 site. We need all invoices to be created in the English language, regardless the language of the customer etc...

We have selected NO at 'Use customer language' in the backend, however the product names in the invoice still show in the language of the customer instead of english, and every time we have to go manually and change them.

So basically, it seems that the 'Use customer language' is not working for product names unfortunately.

I would appreciate your assistance!

Wrong language for p ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi to all,

Ok we could split the cost to 3+3 hours. If doggiefield accepts, we can proceed, pls let me know.

Multi Sitemap
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi to all,

We could buy support hours for this, but our exact request would be to have multiple multilingual sitemaps because this is a requirement by the search engines, i.e.

sitemap_uk.xml for our UK domain links
sitemap_gr.xml for Greek domain links
sitemap_de.xml for German domain links

If you think that you can accommodate also above request please let me know.

Multi Sitemap
Category: JoomSEF 4
Ok problem fixed for now, do not know exactly how, but fixed :)
Order Editing - Serv ...
Category: Customer Support
Any clues pls? Updated to latest version of VM Invoice, but still the issue remains!

Order Editing - Serv ...
Category: Customer Support
I will investigate further and let you know david, thanks
Serious issue with c ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hello to all,

We are using latest version of VMinvoice, and whenever we click SAVE or SAVE and CLOSE after creating a New Order, we get the following msg:

"Server error
The website encountered an error while retrieving It may be down for maintenance or configured incorrectly.
Here are some suggestions:
Reload this webpage later.
HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error): An unexpected condition was encountered while the server was attempting to fulfill the request."

The order gets saved with all the product data but not with customer's data.

We are using Joomla 2.5.8 on PHP 5.3.17 and VM2.0.16d

We'd appreciate your advice!

Order Editing - Serv ...
Category: Customer Support
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