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Profile for abogadox

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I have installed joomla 1.5.26, and Jomsef 3 y joomla tags 1.3.3. When I have created the friendly url of tags, if I have activated JoomSEF, tags url redirects to the homepage. If i have disabled JoomSEF, the tag url, follows the sequence Could someone tell me where have I the conflict?

Thank you
Jomsef /joomla tags ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
My Joomla Tags component version is 1.3.3 y joomla tags extensions 2.1.2. When installing joomla tags component, everything installed fine. When purging the url and emptied the cache, then its redirected to the main url. When JoomSEF disable the tags component works fine.
Joomsef vs Joomla ta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thank you again. I checked and 301 redirects is empty. On the other hand I have purged the urls, emptying cache, and I'm using joomla 2.1.2 version tags.

This is the old url

The sef url
Joomsef vs Joomla ta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thanks for the update. Now I have duplicate content. However, I have another problem. All tags, redirect the main domain. However, no url with redirects redirects
Joomsef vs Joomla ta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
the first, url tag is "index.php?option=com_tag&tag=alzamiento-de-bienes&task=tag"

url tag-2 is "index.php?option=com_tag&tag=alzamiento-de-bienes&view=tag"

Joomsef vs Joomla ta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have installed joomla tag component. It covers an area compatible with JoomSEF. However, when I create the tags, such as "tag / alzamiento-bienes", automatically redirects to "tag/alzamiento-bienes-2". I tried uninstalling the program, remove the table from the database and when I install the same thing happens to me.

How I can avoid the redirect?

Joomsef vs Joomla ta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Ok, I have understood

Thank you very much
Title, description p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I followed his instructions. It seems all right. I will try to see how the robot behaves in a few days google. Thank you very much.

Moreover, what can I avoid duplication of the url and that will be numbered as -2, -3, etc..
Title, description p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Thanks for your reply. This is my configuration.

Title and Meta Tags Configuration
Enable Metadata generation: Sí
Metadata auto-generation: Only empty
Prefer JoomSEF titles: Sí
Use sitename in page titles: after page titles
Sitename separator:
Meta-keywords preference: Prefer joomsef
Meta-description preference: Prefer joomsef
Prevent sitename duplicity: Sí
Title, description p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I have installed JoomSEF 3.9.3 joomla 1.5.25. I have my pages indexed correctly, but recently, something has misconfigured web pages.

The pages are indexed, but with the same title and description that the main page (HOME).

On the other hand, I would not duplicate content with the same title page on which a number is added.

I can know where I have the problem of configuration?

Title, description p ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
emo Artio Joomsef aliase ...
Category: JoomSEF
Dear sir,

I´m using the artio joomsef 3.6.5 version. I have created a new sef urls and I´m trying to migrate to older urls to new sef urls.

I´m wirtting the older url in aliases inside url manager, but it doesn´t work with blog urls.

Can anybody help me?
Artio Joomsef aliase ...
Category: JoomSEF
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