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Profile for Toetn

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 19:26
  • Posts: 7
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Dear Sir/Madam,

For out Bookit2 module we would like to know wether it is possible to integrate or the calender with Ical format calendars.
One of our associates has an ical formatted calendar (Google calendar) and would prefer to sync with the calendar from the bookings module.

Can you please let us know if this is possible and how to set it up?

Regards Marjon Jacobs
Integration with Ica ...
Category: Customer Support
Apperently the issue seems different than first stated.
When using IE. the booking in the next month is not selectable.
When going back the current month is also not selectable.

Issue in Opera is resolved.
Internet Explorer seems to be the culprit with this issue.
Used version is Bookit 2 version 2.1.1

I've seen that there is a new version, but when installing this in a test scenario the language was completely changed,.

Hopefully the issue can be resolved.
Booking not working ...
Category: Customer Support
When using Joomla2.5 with Booking2 the admin section cannot be displayed in Internet Explorer.
It wil display an error 500 - Er deed zich een fout voor. (error occured) when logging in

When trying to book a periode in a next month, it is not possible to do so.
When accessing the site from safari, Firefox it is not an issue.

When using opera 12 the same as IE is occurring.

Can you please provide a solution, as the site is currently not working correctly.

Regards Marjon Jacobs
Booking not working ...
Category: Customer Support
When accessing the Joomla component after update to 1.6.1 i get the error below.
500 - Er deed zich een fout voor.

DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string (Y-m-d H:i:s) at position 1 (-): Unexpected character

this seems the same as marike and juliogar63 from the forum posts.
When looking at the bookings i see the creation date but not al the other dates (start/end) from the booking. Prices as well are no longer shown.

configuration page is shown only in plain text so it cannot be altered anymore. Please advise or let me know how to go back to previous version. If the update to version 2 is an option this is preferred.
Regards Marjon Jacobs
Error when accessing ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello Mr (or Mrs) Maju,

I have attached a printscreen. It comes up when you choose Book to confirm your entered booking.
Remove "Deposit must ...
Category: Customer Support
While setting up Artio Booking component i ran into following:

When creating a booking the deposit payment time is shown.
Because is it not used i would like to have it not shown on the overview.

Is there a way to prevent it from beeing shown?

regards Marjon.
Remove "Deposit must ...
Category: Customer Support

I am having the same issue with some of the translations.
I am using the dutch languages files and nearly every translation is ok.
However when i choose to book a room it shows the deposit (which is not needed) and it shows it within the english language.

Unfortunately i do not know which files to edit to translate it myself.
Hopefully you can point me to the files.

regards Marjon.
Translate some phras ...
Category: Customer Support
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