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Profile for Sjorzzzie

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:04
  • Posts: 49
  • Profile Views: 2936
  • Location: Unknown
  • Gender: Unknown
  • Birthdate: Unknown




I would like to use the "Order status" in the mail subject.

And in the mail body:
- Order total price
- E-mail
- Phone number

Is that posible? I only see this:
[%invoiceID%] - invoice number
[%orderID%] - order Id
[%orderNumber%] - order number
[%title%] - customer title
[%firstName%] - customer first name
[%secondName%] or [%lastName%] - customer last name
[%orderPass%] - order password (only for VM2)
[%orderURL%] - link to order. In VM1, user must be logged in. Place this tag inside A HREF link attibute.
Extra fields in Mail
Category: Customer Support
That worked. Thank you
No shipping or payme ...
Category: Customer Support
In my back end all orders have no payment and shipping details. When I check order in VM it does have payment and shipping details.

Who can help me?
No shipping or payme ...
Category: Customer Support
Adobe has a free version:
Download PDF invoice ...
Category: Customer Support
How do i add padding in table row? And how do i align text vertical in a table row? All css don't work.
CSS styles
Category: Customer Support
I found the solution in the general tab...
No background image
Category: Customer Support
I use the latest VM invoice. When i select background image for invoice there is no...
Please help
No background image
Category: Customer Support
Hi Maju,

i have tested so many things that i cant remember when i took the screenshot. This test is done in VM Invoice only

VM settings:

VM Invoice:

Product setting:

Order made in VM invoice:
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
Yes. My version of virtuemart is 2.0.20b
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
Thank you in advance but in any way I put it there is always 2 cents missing, right? Shouldn't vm invoice round every product at 2 decimals and calculate from that (like vm does)?
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
This is a screenshot of the invoice:

This is a screenshot of the backend:

Product "Melk" is 1.419 euro. Actually it is 1.415 but that is even more wrong when you order multiple. Tax is 6%
The product price including tax is 1.50 euro. If you multiple 1,42 x 16 the answer should be: 22.72
But now it is 22,70

Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
Hi maju,

So i updated and the total is good. Only the subtotal is still wrong.
So now the bottom of the invoice isn't good also. It is off by 0,02 cents (wich is very noticible).

Any idea?

Kind regards,
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
Can you tell if this problem will be solved in the update?
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
I tried: up, down and mathematical but the rounding isn't changed. Any other idea?
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
I have a product (6% tax) that is 1,50 euro. So without tax it is 1,415 euro.

If a customor buys 7, the total price on invoice is 9,91 euro excl. tax. That is 10,47 euro incl. tax
But it should be 10,50

In VM the summings are good...
Wrong tax summing
Category: Customer Support
When I edit the quantity of a product the total summing is gets miscalculated. Also it adds a weird discount...
Who can help?
Wrong total when edi ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi pama,

Thanks for explaining. It works!
Language _CPT
Category: Customer Support
Hi pama,

Is there a way to manualy set the server locale to dutch? Because if i understand it right my server isn't dutch because the month is in english. I'm using: d F Y
Language _CPT
Category: Customer Support
Hi makl,

Thanks for answering. I have set page appearance to no but the invoice date is still in english...
Where does VM invoice get the names of the month from? Maybe i can change it there.

Kind regards
Language _CPT
Category: Customer Support
I don't get the whole _cpt language tags. I want to show the invoice date in Dutch (nl-NL). But how do i do it?
Language _CPT
Category: Customer Support
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