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Profile for silentarcher

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 18:07
  • Posts: 3
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This problem does not appear to exist on a Joomla site running JoomDoc 2.0.1; I have access to such a site, and it does not have this problem (i.e. JoomDoc links within Joomla articles work as intended, without presenting a "you must log in first" message).

So... something appears to have changed from JoomDoc 2.0.1 to 2.0.3 to cause this aberrant behavior.
Joomdocs not publicl ...
Category: Community Support
I am running JoomDoc 2.0.3 on a Joomla 1.5.25 site.

If I create a menu item of type "joomdoc", I can download/view my joomdocs without logging in to the site front end.

If, however, I create a joomdoc link for one of the above documents, within a publicly-viewable joomla article, I am told "you must log in first" when clicking on the joomdoc link... even though the joomdoc is already publicly available and publicly viewable.

Any ideas what's causing this bug?
Joomdocs not publicl ...
Category: Community Support
I, too, am getting "Component Install: Another Component is already using directory: '[path]/components/com_joomdoc' and "Component Install: Another Component is already using directory: "[path]/administrator/components/com_joomdoc'" messages trying to upgrade from 2.0.2 to 3.

Actually, I'm not 100% convinced I'm even at 2.0.2 -- I started with 2.0.1 and later unzipped the 2.0.1-to-2.0.2 patch... but Extension Manager still reports that I'm at 2.0.1.

I am hesitant to try uninstalling 2 prior to installing 3, because I don't know if by doing so I will lose my 100+ joomdocs.
Upgrade function fro ...
Category: Community Support
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