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Profile for RolandoFurioso

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:25
  • Posts: 2
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I have located the preious version JoomDOC 4.0.2 somewhere in the web and installed it in lieu of 4.0.3. In that older version, the editor button showed up ...

BUT: results are still very UNSATISFACTORY. In particular, it doesn't seem possible to include a document link that just enables downloading the document. Instead. an extremely UGLY page appears that, in fact, enables document download; but this very page also contains a "BACK" button, the clicking if which results in an error ... .

Overall, a pretty immature software and, in fact, a time killer: I have spent at least 4 hours on it without managing to obtain satisfactory results. To me, this seems to be a dead-end - I would no one recommend to spend either time or money on/for this. What a pity - given that the former DOCman together with Joomly 1.5.x yield such nice results ... .
Editor Button Still ...
Category: Community Support
I have just installed the latest JoomDOC version 4.x; I'm using it under Joomla 3.4.4.

Unfortunately; I'm observing yet the same issue that quite a few other users seem to have encountered: the JoomDOC button is not displayed below the editor frame - so there seems to be no way to include links to JoomDOC documents into articles.

I'm using the standard editor, and I'm pretty sure that all necesssary permissions are granted. (Prior to this, I used good old DOCMan under Joomla 1.5 and everything worked fine.)

Any suggestions what might resolve this issue?

Editor Button Still ...
Category: Community Support
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