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Profile for rohirrim

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:20
  • Posts: 3
  • Profile Views: 4925
  • Location: Unknown
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  • Birthdate: Unknown




Here is the my source code for ""bir, hit, ç, mindy, girl, dave, tü, sü, ile, gö, dü, tarafından, jeff, stripes, mü"

<meta name="keywords" content="bir, hit, &amp;ccedil, mindy, girl, dave, t&amp;uuml, s&amp;uuml, ile, g&amp;ouml, d&amp;uuml, tarafından, jeff, stripes, m&amp;uuml" />

<meta name="description" content="T&amp;uuml;rk&amp;ccedil;e Adı: G&amp;ouml;ster G&amp;uuml;n&amp;uuml;n&amp;uuml; 2"

as you see all had been massed ap?
Metatag in Turkish i ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I'm using 4.5.1 version with joomla 2.5. But I realize an issue on Metadata auto-generation funciton. When I look at the Meta Keywords in articles the words are nor fully there. Like below:
", ç, bir, ö, gö, adında, himmet, bü, behzat, iç, &rsquo, aç, cinayet"

as you see there ise "gö, ç, ö, &rsquo" there isn't such words in my article. There are just letters... one more example:

"bir, hit, ç, mindy, girl, dave, tü, sü, ile, gö, dü, tarafından, jeff, stripes, mü"

"ç, tü, sü, gö, dü" - what is this? these are not words. Where they are coming from and why?

Any help will be really appraciated, thanks...
Metatag in Turkish i ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Two years had been past and still don't have any development about alt tag generator? for me I really need such plugin? a plugin that can found the images without tag and fills this empty tag accourding to its title or allies? Is this to hard for airto :(
Alt tag for images
Category: General
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