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Profile for MangoPort

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:04
  • Posts: 15
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I use Breezingforms and connect it to FusionCharts on my personal website -

I basically had to learn everything on my own because there isn't a lot of documentation. I'd be happy to help if you want to email me at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. with specific questions.
some orientation
Category: Pre-sale Questions

I'm begging you here - I've even sent an email asking to pay for you to fix the bug in your own software.

None of my emails or posts are getting responded to at all.

I was offered a week of support with my product, you haven't given me ANY.
Changing the colors ...
Category: Customer Support

I still haven't heard back you guys at all. Would appreciate if you could just respond even if it's just to say "sorry we can't help you, hire a developer" but it's frustrating to not get any kind of a response at all.

Surely someone must be checking these forums.
Changing the colors ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi guys,

Just wondering if there's been an update? There's obviously a bug in the tool and I was wondering if you've had any luck with it?
Changing the colors ...
Category: Customer Support
It took a while but I was able to get it to work after some custom development.

If interested please send me an email at Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist gegen Spambots geschützt! Du musst JavaScript aktivieren, damit Du sie sehen kannst. and I'll send you the modified files.
Calling Joomla varia ...
Category: Customer Support
Any luck?
Changing the colors ...
Category: Customer Support

It's been two weeks and I still haven't heard anything.

Any ideas at all? Or if you can't offer any help to fix the bug could you at least help guide me to where I should be looking?
Changing the colors ...
Category: Customer Support
In FusionCharts (the non-joomla version) I can call an SQL query flagging on a joomla variable as follows:


$user =& JFactory::getUser();
$usr_id = $user->get('id');

SELECT * FROM jos_RiskOutput where joomla_id = '$usr_id'


Is it possible to do something like this in the Joomla version?

I realize none of my other questions in the other threads have been answered but this would be a huge help to me.

Thanks in advance,

Calling Joomla varia ...
Category: Customer Support

I'm having trouble changing the default colors on a stacked 3D chart.

I'm assuming I need to change this field:
"Palette Colors (List of hex color codes separated by comma)" and add colors like: EB4A38,FAFAFA
But it doesn't seem to be working.

Any ideas?
Changing the colors ...
Category: Customer Support
Since it took me a while to figure this out and the documentation hasn't been great I figured I'd write a little primer on how generate the charts with SQL. This walks you through the logic - only the end query is valid.

In Excel, if you wanted to create say a pie chart you'd simply need to create a table like
Label: Value1
Lablel: Value 2
Label: Value 3

Alternatively, you could create a pie chart using:
Label, Label, Label
Value1, Value2, Value3

However, with FusionCharts for Joomla you need to also create values for certain chart parameters even if you don't plan on using them. So instead of a query like:

SELECT Field1 as Label1, Field2 as Label2 from TABLE
you need to actually specify the charts border color, border alpha and "is sliced". But since at this stage you just want to see what the chart looks like, you need to modify your code to look like:

SELECT 'blank', 'blank', 'blank', Field1 as Label1 from Table.
In this case 'blank' is actualy '' (two apostrophe's).

But you're not finished. For pie charts you cannot have mutliple categories, just multiple datasets. So this version of showing the data:
Label, Label, Label
Value1, Value2, Value3

Isn't valid, you need to show the data like:
Label: Value1
Lablel: Value 2
Label: Value 3

Which means you need to Join the table onto itself. UNION ALL is a good way to do this. Thus, your final result looks like:

Select '','','','Label1', Field1 from TABLE1
Select '','','','Label2',Field2 from TABLE1
Select '','','','Label2',Field3 from TABLE1

This will produce a pie-chart with the values from Field1, Field2 and Field3 from your table TABLE1


Unable to render cha ...
Category: Customer Support
Well, I finally figured out the only way to get it to work was to modify the SQL to as follows:

SELECT 'Blank', 'Networth'
FROM jos_NetworthQuartile
SELECT 'Blank', QRank
FROM jos_NetworthQuartile
SELECT 'Blank', ORank
FROM jos_NetworthQuartile

Even though this should really be a 1-line SQL code since we're just creating the most basic chart.

Would be useful if there was a guide that actually walked through these areas and how to troubleshoot.

Would be even more useful if Support existed. Still, the product is a good bridge between FusionCharts and joomla.
Unable to render cha ...
Category: Customer Support
After spending more than a day on this I still cannot get anywhere.

Could you please help me with my issue? I still cannot use this product.
Unable to render cha ...
Category: Customer Support
Just as an FYI, using FusionCharts for Dreamweaver I was able to get this to work so I think my query is good. Not sure exactly what's happening though.

My connection looks good too as when I click "try" it gives me:
"SQL Query OK. The chart was fill and render by new data."

Could this be a permissions issue?
Unable to render cha ...
Category: Customer Support

I'm using a Stacked 3D chart.

I only want two values to create a bar chart showing a user's percentile.

So QRank is from 0 to 100, and ORank = 100 - QRank

I'm still not getting anything when I use the label modifications above. There is definitely data in my table.
Unable to render cha ...
Category: Customer Support

I have a simple MySQL table in my joomla database called: jos_NetworthQuartile

It only has one line:

ID QRank, ORank
1 20 80

My query in ArtioFusionCharts is simply:
SELECT Qrank, Orank FROM jos_NetworthQuartile

When I click "try" it says:
SQL Query OK. The chart was fill and render by new data.

Yet there's no actual chart, and when I put the module onto a page the page won't load.

Any ideas?
Unable to render cha ...
Category: Customer Support
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