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Profile for katandmouse

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 41
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Thanks for posting your solution! I found one too and posted it. It's a happy day after all. :)
Joomsef 4 I get this ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
We found a solution and I'm posting it here for the benefit of all and for the developers so that they can fix their bug.

The problem is joomla global SEF settings are enabled by default in joomsef when you install. We disabled everything from configuration.php file sef=0, debug=maximum and now everything is fine. We are using Joomla 3.2.2
Error on install
Category: JoomSEF 4
We found a solution and I'm posting it here for the benefit of all and for the developers so that they can fix their bug.

The problem is joomla global SEF settings are enabled by default in joomsef when you install. We disabled everything from configuration.php file sef=0, debug=maximum and now everything is fine.
JoomSEF install comp ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Oh dear, so this is what I have to look forward to? I purchased JoomSEF yesterday and it completely corrupted my site when we were done except for SEF. I'm afraid I'm going to have to start over. As it stands this extension is costing me thousands of dollars in repairs that are facing me if they don't fix it. And I've not gotten any reply. Did you ever get help? What did you do?
Joomsef 4 I get this ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I'm posting this again because I didn't get a response to my original post and this is much worse than my original title indicated. I'm hoping this new title will get attention as this is CRITICAL - not just because it destroyed our site but because it could happen to others as well. So the sooner this gets your attention the better for everyone.

Please see my original post here for all the information and then you can delete this.

Our site is completely corrupted as a result of installing your extension. Please help ASAP. Thank you.
JoomSEF install comp ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
I called in my developer and gave him your zip file. He installed it again and saw the same error. Because there was a strict standard error that didn't really matter, he disabled that using PHP.INI so that it didn't show. He turned back on JoomSEF and now we get a white, blank page with this error at the top:

Fatal error: Cannot access property started with '\0' in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/libraries/joomla/registry/registry.php on line 439

This extension completely corrupted our site and we may have to start all over at a point when we were completely done except for doing SEF urls. Needless to say, this is VERY UPSETTING.

Joomla 3.2.2 and PHP 5.4
JoomSEF - can't get to the backend to see, but it's your latest one. Just bought it yesterday.

Please help.
Error on install
Category: JoomSEF 4
have a brand new Joomla site and tried to install JoomSEF. Got this error on the install:

Strict Standards: Declaration of JRouterJoomsef::parse() should be compatible with JRouter::parse(&$uri) in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/components/com_sef/sef.router.php on line 73

Strict Standards: Declaration of JRouterJoomsef::build() should be compatible with JRouter::build($url) in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/components/com_sef/sef.router.php on line 73

Strict Standards: Non-static method SEFConfig::getConfig() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/plugins/system/joomsef/joomsef.php on line 40

That's at the top of the page above the menu. Down in the content area, I see this:

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/tmp/install_52f47925dd309/install.php on line 172

Strict Standards: Non-static method SEFTools::getDefaultParams() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/tmp/install_52f47925dd309/install.php on line 238

Strict Standards: Non-static method SEFTools::getDefaultFilters() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/tmp/install_52f47925dd309/install.php on line 241

Strict Standards: Non-static method SEFTools::getDefaultParams() should not be called statically, assuming $this from incompatible context in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/tmp/install_52f47925dd309/install.php on line 238
ARTIO JoomSEF installed succesfully!

Strict Standards: Only variables should be assigned by reference in /home/ktpackag/public_html/joom3/tmp/install_52f47925dd309/install.php on line 315

Should I be worried? what does all that mean?

I just checked my site. I should be worried. The entire site is broken now.

I uninstalled it and all is fine again. Can I get my money back?
Error on install
Category: JoomSEF 4
I accidentally installed another client's extension that was a previous version after I bought a new version for another client. When I realized my error, I tried to upgrade to and got the message that I can't because it already exists. So how do you upgrade this extension? I can't find it in the list of plugins to uninstall.
Can't upgrade Joomse ...
Category: Extensions
I had Legacy mode turned on because an earlier version required it when I created this website. I've since updated and am now in 3.9.2. When I turn off Legacy mode, all the links do not work at all, meaning, if I'm on a page and select a menu item, it won't send me there. It keeps me on the same page. Turn back on Legacy and it works. This happens with menu links and on page links. The url shows the SEF url, but it's wrong. I don't go anywhere.

I'm assuming this is a problem with JoomSEF and not Joomla. Or am I wrong? How do I fix this?
Can't turn off Legac ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Once again I've met up with the problem of how to remove your powered by link after I upgrade. Sure would be nice if you could fix this so it automatically goes away. After all, that's what we're paying you for.

So, please tell me how to get it gone.
How do you remove yo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
See this:
Google has this and many more like it indexed. I have no idea how it got them and what's worse, I can't get 301 redirects to work with these pages. Google keeps holding on to them creating duplicate content penalties, I'm sure.

What are these? How did Google get them? How do I get rid of them? There were never any links to them.
Google indexing tmpl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
This used to work and I have no idea why it suddenly stopped, but I can't change urls. I get this error message:

Error Saving URL: TableSEFUrl::store failed - Unknown column 'enabled' in 'field list' SQL=UPDATE `jos_sefurls` SET `sefurl`='new-santa-cruz-personal-injury-attorney',`origurl`='index.php?option=com_content&id=48&view=article',`Itemid`='60',`metadesc`='Soon',`metakey`='',`metatitle`='',`metalang`='',`metarobots`='',`metagoogle`='',`metacustom`='a:0:{}',`canonicallink`='',`dateadd`='2011-02-28',`priority`='90',`enabled`='0',`locked`='0',`sef`='0' WHERE id='10'

I've tried several times to no avail. I updated to the latest version. That didn't help either. We are in Joomla 1.5.15. Like I said, it suddenly stopped working and I can't think of any new extensions or changes made to the site other than a new page.
Error Saving URL: Ta ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Joomsef and Wordpress 3.0 from corephp are not compatible. I purchased the extension here and it completely broke the site - the entire site not just the blog. To fix it I had to remove the navigation link to the blog which of course I can't do. So in order to keep my blog up and running, I had to completely the extension and revert back to the previous version of Wordpress which is full of bugs. I need to be able to upgrade.

Since I paid for the extension, I expect to get something that works or some help to make it work. I'm still waiting. Can someone help me please? Thank you.
Joomsef does not wor ...
Category: Extensions
I had the free version installed, then bought and entered the download ID. It doesn't upgrade to paid. I read the forum that says I need to download the package and upgrade from the package not the installer. I don't know how to do that because I do not have a com_joomself folder in my components directory or in my admin/components directory that matches what I downloaded.

So where do I put these new files?

ADDENDUM: I just found that the admin folder matched the com_sef/admin folder. I'm uploading those files now. I figured that part out.

But now what do I do with the language files. Your directory structure is: language/admin There is no such thing in Joomla. So are those files supposed to go in administrator/language? Where exactly? There is an en-GB folder there but none in your folder? do I just drop them in the language folder? Then where do the site and upgrade files go? I finally figured that out too. They go in the components?com_sef folder.

I left those questions here in case someone else is confused too. Hopefully it will help them. It would be extremely helpful if you named your folders the same.

I still have no idea of what to do with the upgrade folder. Please advise.
don't know how to in ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
First of all, I never got anything called a "download ID" when I bought JoomSEF. I took a guess and entered the order ID in the download ID box instead. It came back with an error stating the download ID was not found in the database. And now the download ID box is completely gone so I can't enter it even if I had it.

1. Where is the download ID and why doesn't ARTIO just send that to me after purchase to avoid problems like this?

2. How do I get the download ID box back so that I can enter it when I get it.

3. If I can't get that ID box back, then how can I get this registered another way?

Thank you.
where is download ID ...
Category: Extensions
I just installed JoomSef and enabled it. When I go to Manage SEF Urls, there are none in there. How do I generate those? They need to be there before I can manage them. I can't add them manually because the component is turned on and I can't see the OLD SEF urls, besides that would be a total nuisance and I know this software was not designed that way.
SEF Urls table is bl ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Tried following from manual "To define title and/or meta tags for your homepage (that has not really an URL generated by SEF, but composes just from your site base URL), create a new entry in the URL list where the SEF URL will stay blank and the original URL will say just index.php.", and it worked.
Title tags work on s ...
Category: Extensions
Thank you very much, clearing cache worked.

I am not understanding item #2 where you say the following:

"2) ad homepage
I. make sure to choose "show links to homepage"... if no exists, you need to create it (use empty value for SEF URL) (if you are using frontpage layout then original URL is index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=1)"

The front page is "home-page" ( real url = index.php?option=com_content&catid=3&id=11&view=article&Itemid=18 ) and I set the metadata in joomsef contol panel for "home-page".
When in article manager the article title for that page is "The Law Office of Thomas, Ferguson & Mullins" and this is what is showing up in title tag, not what I entered in joomsef control panel.

Thank you for your assistance.
Title tags work on s ...
Category: Extensions
We cannot get our custom title tags to work on the home page or on the criminal defense page here It is working on other pages. There doesn't appear to be anything different with these pages. Why would this work on some pages and not others?

Joomla 1.5.14
Latest version of JoomSEF, whatever that is. I can't find a reference to it in the admin. If it's there, please tell me where.

In looking further, title tags, beyond what was mentioned previously, on all the other pages are doing some strange things. For example, this url , this was entered into joomsef control panel title tag area "Eminent Domain Lawyer, Durham, North Carolina, Personal Injury Attorneys" and what is actually showing up in the on-page title is "Eminent Domain Lawyer Durham, North Carolina, Attorneys Thomas, Ferguson and Mullins - Thomas, Ferguson and Mullins" .
For this page the same thing, this was entered into control panel for this page "Durham Personal Innjury Lawyers, North Carolina Attorney, Durham Law Firm" and what shows up on the acutal live page is this "Durham Personal Innjury Lawyers, North Carolina Attorney, Thomas, Ferguson and Mullins Law Firm - Thomas, Ferguson and Mullins"

The homepage title tag is not picking up any of the information entened into the control panel, likewise for the criminal defense page

This site is very small, simple, with nothing complicated going on. The only add-on is joomsef, and it is, and has not worked right since it was installed. If we can not get it to work on a small simple site not sure how we can get it to work on larger sites we work on. It has taken much of our time trying to get this working.
Title tags work on s ...
Category: Extensions
Jan, It would be helpful to others if you referenced just what part of the rules people aren't following so we know how to correct it.

I just wanted to say, your instructions here did the trick for me, i.e., upgrading both Joomla and JoomSEF. Evidently, there is a conflict between versions.

JoomSEF title tags n ...
Category: Extensions
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