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Profile for JOWS

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:58
  • Posts: 2
  • Profile Views: 4868
  • Location: Brussels
  • Gender: Male
  • Birthdate: Unknown




I hope it will be really soon, I'm making a whole new directory... It would be great that I don't need to SEF all my URLs myself but automatically with a rule in the working extension :)

Oh and I have another question, if an entry is listed in 3, 4 or 5 different sections in sobipro and I activate the creation of cannonical URLs, would it be the same canonical URL for that would be written in my 3, 4, or 5 different pages created by Joomla! Or should I need to edit the canonical URL manually for each SEF URL to be the same and avoid duplicate content in the search engines ?
Sobipro extension co ...
Category: Extensions

I made a fresh install of Joomla 3.1.5 with JoomSEF 4.4.4 an Sobipro 1.1.2....

I would like to have clean URLs without any section/category/entry id from Sobipro... so I installed de Sobipro extension for Joomla! but this extension seems to be not fully compatible with Joomla! 3.1...

If I configure the Joomsef handler in full mode in the Sobipro extension, all the new entries that I add to Sobipro generates the same SEF URL but the sample entries already existing in Sobipro generates diffenrent clean URLs...

With that configuration, it's also imposible to add an entry in Sobipro from the Frontend website or change the sorting options for the alphabetical list...

If I switch the Sobipro extension on Joomsef basic rewritting, everything works fine...

I disabled the caches functions in Joomla!, Joomsef an Sobipro and also every fastener component who can interfer with Joomsef and Sobipro...

So, after all that explanation, I would like to know if its really a compatibility issue and, if so, if you are going to fix it and release a full compatible extension for Sobipro on Joomla! 3.1.

Sobipro extension co ...
Category: Extensions
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