It only occurs on discount for each price. Single discount works like a charm
BUG -Price calculati ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by hpdevelopment
Hi Jtrumpes,
let me explain it again with an example from a hotel.
You have 2 price ranges:
A: If you stay from Monday to Friday you pay 50$ a night
B: If you stay for the weekends, you pay 40$ a night (because all the business travelers are out of town).
Furthermore you have a discount strategy applying to all price ranges:
Discount: "If you stay with us more than three nights, you get 5$ off per night."
Let's say, you come Monday and stay for for nights, than your price would be:
4x50$ (costs per night) - 4x5$ (Discount) = 180 $
After the new release of the artio software we can also book over two time periods:
Let's say, you come Thursday and stay till Saturday:
1x50$ (week nights)+2x40$(weekend prices) = 130$.
Up to this point Artio is calculating correctly.
Now - if you assume to stay from Thursday to Monday, the CORRECT price would be:
1x50$ (week nights) + 3x40$ (weekend prices) - 4x5$Discount = 150$
Artio however calculates 170$, leaving out the discount for staying for nights, because it checks the "Discount condition" per price range (Price range a: only one night and price range B: only three nights).
This problem will arise to a lot of people who have a)different price ranges and b)additional mass or long-term-usage discount.
I hope that this made it clearer.
BUG -Price calculati ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by hpdevelopment
I just recalculated. It is not the supplement which is counted twice. It is the discount which is not working. In my site the numbers are close…
So, if you give discount for more than four nights, then the software calculates if the condition is met per price range and not calculated versus the whole length.
Please correct this!
BUG -Price calculati ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by hpdevelopment
Thank you for your new component booking over two price ranges. There is a bug in the calculation which my customers do not like.
If you have a supplement (in my case cleaning of the apartment after your stay), artio is charging the supplement per price corridor. So if you check in on thursday (price range 1) and stay till sunday (weekend is price range 2), then you are charged the supplement twice (which normally is only due at the end of the total stay…).
Please correct this and report back when the correct version is ready to upgrade.
Until then I cannot use this component!
BUG -Price calculati ...
Posted 13 years, 8 months ago
by hpdevelopment
ok, if this means that this is not possible at this point of time, could you please tell me then where the price is calculated which is sent to the customer in the email. I would have to manually program a discount into the price, but I do not find the file where the price is calculated.
P.S. do you know when you will implement it?
checkin and checkout ...
Posted 13 years, 10 months ago
by hpdevelopment
I want to give my customers a discount of 10 Euro per night, if they stay longer than a week. How do I do that?
Thank you for your help.
Discount for people ...
Posted 13 years, 10 months ago
by hpdevelopment
the solution would help me, too - a LOT.
I have hotel rooms which are less inexpensive in pre-season (until 1st of June). So now it is not possible that someone arrives at 28th of May and stays until the 5th of June, because I have two price ranges.
I do not want to believe that this is not possible in this great component.
checkin and checkout ...
Posted 13 years, 10 months ago
by hpdevelopment
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