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Profile for björn

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 54
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hi, using joomla 2.5.8, joomshopping 3.12.1, joomsef 4.2.9, joomshopping extension 3.0.11.

i have a link in my user menu (for registered users) to access their wish list. i noticed today that this link is not working. it takes you to the frontend of the shop.

this is what it looks like in url manager in joomsef:
shop/wishlist.html index.php?option=com_jshopping&controller=wishlist&lang=en&task=view&Itemid=501

clicking it takes you to shop.html though.
JoomShopping Wish Li ...
Category: Extensions
great, that worked. did not realise i had to put it before the Joomla rules.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
mm, still no luck.

RewriteRule completes/completes/(.*) /shop/completes/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /decks/decks/(.*) /shop/decks/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /wheels/wheels/(.*) /shop/wheels/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /trucks/trucks/(.*) /shop/trucks/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /bushings/bushings/(.*) /shop/bushings/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /safety-gear/safety-gear/(.*) /shop/safety-gear/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /accessories/accessories/(.*) /shop/accessories/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule /sweet-deals/sweet-deals/(.*) /shop/sweet-deals/$1 [R=301,L]
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
thanks dude, you're being very helpful.
i've added this to my .htaccess:
RewriteRule completes/completes/(.*) shop/completes/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule decks/decks/(.*) shop/decks/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule wheels/wheels/(.*) shop/wheels/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule trucks/trucks/(.*) shop/trucks/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule bushings/bushings/(.*) shop/bushings/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule safety-gear/safety-gear/(.*) shop/safety-gear/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule accessories/accessories/(.*) shop/accessories/$1 [R=301,L]
RewriteRule sweet-deals/sweet-deals/(.*) shop/sweet-deals/$1 [R=301,L]

it's not working though:
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
what i meant was, there's 8 categories, there's way more urls with that problem than 8. each category has many many products so all those urls are floating around out there on fb and google.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
ok now that seemed to have worked. i did not go delete them though becasue there were to many, i just purged urls.

but now i'm stuck with urls like,
poiting to the site that ends in 404 errors.

Have a look on my facebook page at all those links not working:

any ideas on catching those now? there's only 8 categories and no sub categories, so there should be a simple solution?
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
my manufacturers seem to display properly now: shop/manufacturername.html
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
how can i fix links like this using .htaccess:
the correct url is now:

there's a whole bunch of them, for each category. my categories always used to be like this, shop/safety-gear/abec-11/abec-11-cafe-racer-helmet.html.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
my site's links are just one big mess now. i don't know what joomsef has done to it and i don't know how to fix this. it's going to ruin my site's ranking.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
ok attached is a screenshot of an example of a duplicate.

the ones i mentioned above don;t exist anymore now. and all over the interner i have links pointing to those pages.
so where i used to have
i now have
i tried creating the custom menu title shop/, but it does not work.

i noticed now on facebook for instance, there's links that point to either or of these link varieties. lots and lots of links and all the ones that starts with shop/ now ends in a 404 page.

would you be able to maybe give me an example of your suggestion with the .htaccess file? .htaccess is not my strong point.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
is there no way to set up some kind of wildcard that can catch all those inbound links and send them to the right place?
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
i see more duplicate links. because i have 'add menu title to url' enabled.

so i get duplicate urls to a product. one is,
and another example,

the strange thing is, i tested this again now and now all the ones that has shop/ in front goes to a 404 page now, they worked like 5 minutes ago. and that is where all the inbound links from facebook and the search engines is pointing!
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
ah man! it was disabled?! i have no idea how that happened?

i see another problem now though (thanks for fixing that bug by the way), on my shop pages, i have joomshopping's categories module displaying. the module gives the categorires urls like, shop/categoryname.html
in my menu items that i created for the categories, i only get this: categoryname.html without the shop/ i have duplicate links pointing to the same place.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
is there a way to catch links pointing to the wrong place and send them to the right place?
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
i've manually edited them now and changed them to what they should be so when you go look at the site you'll see that they are all working again
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
i've purged all the urls, now all my links in menus pointing to categories have changed to products.html and they all point to the same place. help. the site's urls are now a mess. :(
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
there is something strange going on with my urls now. everything has changed. all the product pages now has /view.html at the end of the url. when i go to the old urls i get a 404 error. this is a problem as i have a lot of links pointing to the site, even in the site i have manually created links to items and all these are now pointing to a 404 error page. this is since updating to the new version of the jshopping extension.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
ok screenshot attached.

this is the url:

you have to be logged in to be able to comment though, so check the screenshot and if that's not enough you'll porbably just have to register. there's a link to register bottom right on the shop pages.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
mm, ok i have upgraded the extension and joomshopping and i still end up at a 404 page when i submit a comment
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
no i can't find any duplicates.

i tested the redirection thing and it would seem you are correct indeedly. thanks for that one.
Joomshopping comment ...
Category: Extensions
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