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Profile for annapon

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 19:23
  • Posts: 47
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Hello, I'm sorry but I can't update to version 2.

Please, say me thay I do something wrong.

First, I unistall book it-1 and later I install book it-2, but don't appear the link in the administrator menu in components....

You can say me something.

Thanks for all
Pass to bookit 1 to ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok, I read now. Thanks
Not allow cancel res ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok. But for update from version 1 to version 2, what do I need? Pay something? Version Joomla?

Not allow cancel res ...
Category: Customer Support
One thing more, I have other problem... when I booking more of 2 hours in the same book, later if I need cancel one, it's impossible because I must cancel all the booking, not only one.

It's a big problem in my case, and I say you for news functionality if it's possible in new versus.

Thanks for listen, and good job.
Not allow cancel res ...
Category: Customer Support
Ok, thanks. I wait this upload because it's a good new functionality and i need it.

It's possible update to Book it! 2 from Book it! 1 or it's better wait the adds in Book it! 1.

Please, you can let know me when it is ready.

Thanks for all, very good job.
Not allow cancel res ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello, I have one question.

It's possible isn't allow cancel a reservation before the 1 day or 5 hours?
In case afirmative, please when do I configurate it?

Not allow cancel res ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, please... I need some solution because I update my licence with you. But now I can't use application because it doesn't work.

I've done a user for you if you want login in the system.
Problem with Timetab ...
Category: Customer Support
Hello, i agree with you, i'm sure the problem is some simple.

Nobody booked because I stop the access to application for the problems. But if you see it's like no have timeline in this hours but really this schedule it's for Saturday an Sunday no Friday...¿¿??

Well, I disabled error reporting in Joomla, but it's the same problem.

If you see timetable, it is not booked else disabled, no? And I don't understand why? and why does it work correctly in Daily and not in weekly?
Problem with Timetab ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, no problem. Thanks for reply.

I see the server, and the timezone is UTC, but in php, I don't know because it isn't my own hosting, I ask them and wait the answer.

It's possible other things was the problem?
Problem with Timetab ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, finally I find what's my problem with the program. While I was testing things, I've discovered that the main problem is when put the format to see de bookin in weeks, not in daily.

In this pictures, you can see, All is correct.

But, when I put the calendary in weeks, this is the problem

On Friday, is not correct the schedule and resevations time.
In the cofiguration item, is it:

Between Monday and Friday, is ok. Always the same schedule. But on Saturday and Sundy, the organization close some hours. Is the same with others objects-items

You can say me a solution for this.
Problem with Timetab ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, I close this topic, because I find what's the problem. I open other topic with correct subject. Thanks
Problems with "Expir ...
Category: Customer Support
Please, I need your help because I put in stand by the website and booking system.

It's possible that I have a problem with the configuration?


If it's necessary, I have a user for you can apply in website.
Problems with "Expir ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, now i put printscreens but it's in spanish.


In this, i don't know why and what is the problem?

Here, you can see, that Friday (22 Vie) there are reserved all afternoon but it's not true.

And in this images, you can see the configuration of this object.

I hope, that now you can understand me.

Thanks for all.
Problems with "Expir ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, i'm sorry... My english is not good but I try explain it.

The problem with March, really it wasn't a error, unless my mistake in configuration. It's solved now.

The other problem is that in some days, suddenly appear some hours reserved but it's not true. It's possible caused because it don't use pay... When I arrived to home, I print a screen for you. Thanks.
Problems with "Expir ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, the problem with March is solved. But other thing don't work well.
Problems with "Expir ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, i have a problem with this atribute because the reserves appear in the system without being true, and I suppose it will be because it don't finish never...

The attribute I have it disabled (expiration) but in the reserves appear like "no expiration" when I check it, something works wrong, and I don't know what.

Please help me, I'm going crazy because the system is using it for months and now people are complaining.
I don't see where is the fault.

The problems starts when I update system Artio to version 1.5...

Thanks for you help

One thing more, In March "date" do a Internal error, same that first week in this year...
Problems with "Expir ...
Category: Customer Support
I have same problem but I put "dissabled" and now I think its work.

I check it next days
Reservation Expirati ...
Category: Customer Support

the problem has disappeared yet. I appreciate the quick response.

Thanks :)
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support
In which file?
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi, I have same problem, this morning I found the problem.

What should I do to repair the bug?

Thanks for you help
500 - DateTime::__co ...
Category: Customer Support
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