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Recently viewed block
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TOPIC: Recently viewed block

Recently viewed block 12 years, 10 months ago #29592


I have searched the forum prior to posting and I couldn't find any info on this.
We have bought the MTurbo extension and initially set it up to with two custom dynamic loaded blocks: recently viewed products and compare products sidebar.

After a while we noticed that the recently viewed block displays products viewed by other visitors and not the actual visitor. After doing some checks, we noticed that the "report_viewed_product_index" table isn't updated anymore when visitors are opening product pages.

Of course, this is normal, given the fact the product pages are now simple HTML, no more server side scripting for them - hence Magento can't keep track of the visits for each product.

We have two questions (they're actually 3, but only 2 will apply):
1) Is our conclusion correct? Or we are wrong and somehow mturbo takes care of visits logging instead of magento?

2-a) If our conclusion is correct, what can we do about it? Do you plan to update mturbo taking this missing feature in consideration?

2-b) If our conclusion is wrong, how exactly does mturbo log the visits? Is there any possiblity that mturbo mixes the visits between visitors? We have tried to do some debug, but it seems that the mturbo extension core files can't be modified (neat security measure!)

Thank you in advances for you answer(s)!

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Re: Recently viewed block 12 years, 10 months ago #29600

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
Dear Spy_Tech,

Thanks for your interest. Yes. You have right. Your conclusion is correct.
We are planing fix it in the next release.
ARTIO Support Team
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Re: Recently viewed block 12 years, 10 months ago #29603

Hi Jich,

Thank you for your reply. This is what I thought.

Any ideas on when is the next release planned to be launched?

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Re: Recently viewed block 12 years, 10 months ago #29656

  • jich
  • Posts: 254
We want to do it as soon as possible. We have too much work in these days.
ARTIO Support Team
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