Dear Dajo,
after changing php from 5.3 to 5.4 i got a lot of errors on frontpage. I read your explanation on
and your recommendation to disable the display of errors. Actually I use ARTIO Joomsef 4.5.1. Did you fix this issue in 4.5.2?
Thank you,
php update from 5.3 ...
Posted 10 years, 7 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Thank you, I change the configuration and it works. Pefect!
Grafic elements disa ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Hi Dajo,
the component joomSEF works fin. But at some places grafic elements (jpg) disappears. Only on frontpage everything is ok. Instead of the picures I see the name of the files.
Any idea?
Kind regards,
Grafic elements disa ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Hi Dajo,
I installed the component manually. The site and the component appear to work. I hope I put all parts into the correct direction.
Kind regards,
White page after ins ...
Posted 11 years, 10 months ago
by zahmundzornig
HI Dajo,
I try a new Installation of com_joomsef4-4.4.1.zip, but I have still the installation problem as I described.
I checked the files via ftp and you are wright, there is missing some files. But I have no explanations for this. The pemissions are all ok. I don´t know, why the installer installes only some files and not all. I installed a few days ago some other components for the new site, i.e. uddeim. That works fine.
I used jupgrade for the upgrade process from 1.5 to 2.5. Could be the problem, that I have a upgraded site and not a fresh joomla installation?
White page after ins ...
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Hi Dajo,
thank you for your quick response. I delete the files as you mentioned and the site works. Perfect.
But there are no permission restrictions. All files/directories are writable. I will install the component later again. I come back to you if there ist still a problem.
White page after ins ...
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago
by zahmundzornig
I bought joomSEF4 (I made an upgrade from joomSEF3 to 4) and installed the component under the domain:
After installing the component I get the message in backend on white site:
Warning: require_once(/srv/www/web31/html/massage/jupgrade2/components/com_sef/joomsef.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /srv/www/web31/html/massage/jupgrade2/plugins/system/joomsefgoogle/joomsefgoogle.php on line 15
Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/srv/www/web31/html/massage/jupgrade2/components/com_sef/joomsef.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in /srv/www/web31/html/massage/jupgrade2/plugins/system/joomsefgoogle/joomsefgoogle.php on line 15
My system:
Joomla 2.5.6
I bought my license under the domain www.sinnlichemassagen.org. Because I made an upgrade from Joomla 1.5.26 to Joomla 2.5.6 I use the domain www.erotik-massage.net for the whole upgrade process. After finishing I will switch from www.erotik-massage.net to www.sinnlichemassagen.org.
Actually I have no access to the backend or frontend. It would be great I you can give me support to solve the problem.
Thank you!
White page after ins ...
Posted 11 years, 11 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Thanx, Dajo. I´ll try this and keep you informed.
Community Builder: r ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
I have a problem with some new registered users. Let me show you the steps, when the problem is coming up:
1. User register himself
2. he get a email with a confirmation code
3. he clicks the code and is approved for the site
4. now he is going to the site and login
When the user login at this point and he goes straight to his own profile (he is the first one who klick the profile), joomsef generate following url:
In generell the generated url is fine, but if someone else (who is not logged in) trys to open this new profile, the url link me to a login-page (and says: you can´t see this profile, you have to login to see it).
When the new user DON´T visit his own profile at this point and an other, not logged in user, visit his profile first, joomsef generate following url:
This url works for everyone and is the way I like it to have.
So, how can I avoid that the new user generate a url only for logged in users, because he clicks on his own profile, while he is logged in (I think, this is the main problem)?
Community Builder: r ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Hi Dajo,
I changed the expression in "task=pluginclass|task=userDetails".
"userprofil" was the wrong word out of the non-SEF URL.
So the nun-SEF URL is:
I get this URL when I like to change a users profile as administrator in frontend. After set the expression as mentioned above, this URL is not changed by JoomSEF. As I like it.
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Thank you, your alternative expression works.
I have a new issue, but I will open a new post for this.
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Hello Dajo,
is it possible to put other tasks into "Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression" field? I like to eleminate also the task/world "userprofil". I seperate it with "," and ";", but both ways don´t work.
Background: If I logged in as administrator in the frontend I have to change sometime a users profil. In community builder I can klick a link "edit users profil" and can do the changes. But currently I get a redirection to an other profil - and can do the changes there. But thats the wrong person. The url is: www.xxx.de/userprofil
So the idea ist to eleminate this task, too. Is it a correct idea? And how can I put an other task into the field "Do not SEF URLs matching regular expression"?
Thank you!
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Wonderfull! The "pluginclass"-issue is solved!
Thank you, this ist a really great support! I´m looking forward to check out your component in detail.
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Hello Dajo,
I use Joomla 1.5.26, CB 1.8.1, CB Subs 2.0.2
Ok, I´ll wait for the userlist-issue.
"mein-profil-ansehen/pluginclass" ist currently 14 times dublicated. For example:
They vary in "...&user=6705&..."
I like do deactivate the SEF for the whole update/renewal/registration process. I don´t need it there.
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Ok, ignore my question No. 2. All url´s of new users should be made like I want. Some older not, but I change this profile-url manually.
But now I have a serios problem. When user like to upgrade/renew there subscription, they will link to a blank page. I´ve got the link:
What can I do?
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
Dear ARTIO-Team,
thank you for this great extension!
I have two questions:
1. The Community Builder extension makes good work. But sometimes ARTIO SEF ad "userlist" to the end of the url. Can I avoid this?
2. I miss the opportunity to integration existing Community Builder Fields into the URL and remove the search-list-name (all automatic builded user-URLs starts with one of the search-lists.)
At the moment I have the url:
htttp:// www.xxx.de/search-list-name/username
I like to have following url:
htttp:// www.xxx.de/cb-field-for-city/username
Can I manage this with the "rules"? Can you help me in this case?
Thank you!
Integration of Commu ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by zahmundzornig
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