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Profile for Poiter

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:30
  • Posts: 8
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Hi Pama,

Thanks for the fix, it's correct now!
Don't want VAT in su ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi there,

After update the component I needed to do some changes, because the calculation of the total price was diffrent in previous versions of the component. Finally everthing is set correct again, only one issue remains. The subtotal need to be without tax ( using {subtotal_discount} ) this works, but not for the shipping, there he shows including tax. How can I fix this?
See attached image: Subtotaal € 6,05 needs also to be € 5,00 (without tax)
Don't want VAT in su ...
Category: Customer Support
Thnx Pama,

Now it's correct.

Gr. Pieter
Tabel row too high p ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi Pama,

Thank you, we are almost there. Only the text in the table footer. The text needs to be on one row. If you can help me with this were done :-)
Tabel row too high p ...
Category: Customer Support
It has to do with the collum "Prijs totaal (excl. BTW)" = Show Price Excl. Tax. See picture btw_debug. It only shows when I put debug on.

But if I turn it of in the configuration the height is gone but you don't see the endprice (see picture btw_no) With "show price excl. tax" on yes, the table height appears, because he wants to show it, but it isn't seen in the pdf template
Tabel row too high p ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi there,

Already in another topic this issue posted, but couldn't answer earlier and now the topic is locked
this topic

Anyway the tabel on the pdf is too high. Looks like there is an unnecessary row. Pama asked me to post the output in debug mode, so here it is an also a picture how the pdf looks now:

Body HTML Code:
<table style="width: 100%;" border="0">
<td><br />
<table style="width: 100%;" border="0">
<td valign="top" width="50%"> </td>
<td valign="top" width="50%">
<table width="100%"><tr><td align="right" width="60%">FACTUUR: </td><td align="right" width="40%">20140139</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" width="60%">Factuurdatum: </td><td align="right" width="40%">04.03.2014</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right" width="60%">Betalingswijze: </td><td align="right" width="40%">iDeal</td></tr></table>
<hr />
<table style="width: 100%;" border="0">
<td valign="middle" width="50%">
<p> </p>
<strong>Factuuradres:</strong><br />
Louw spijkerman Zeevis<br />
spijkerman Spijkerman<br />
Phaesmawei 8<br />
9291 nb Kollum<br />
<td align="right" width="50%">
<p> </p>
<table style="table-layout:fixed;width:100%" >
<tr bgcolor="#cccccc" nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%">Art. nr.</td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">Productnaam</td>
<td align="left" width="11%">Aantal</td>
<td align="right" width="17%">Prijs</td>
<td align="right" width="1%">Prijs totaal (excl. BTW)</td>
<td align="right" width="17%">Subtotaal</td>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="100%" colspan="8"><hr style="color:black"></td></tr>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%">074071-H</td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">Birki Profi Birki Blue (074071-H)
<div style="font-size: 70%; text-align: left;">Maat: 47</div>
<td align="left" width="11%">2</td>
<td align="right" width="17%"> 46,90</td>
<td align="right" width="1%"> 93,80</td>
<td align="right" width="17%"> 93,80</td>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%">025500</td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">Birki inlegzool voor Super Birki's (025500)
<div style="font-size: 70%; text-align: left;">Maat: 47</div>
<td align="left" width="11%">2</td>
<td align="right" width="17%"> 9,90</td>
<td align="right" width="1%"> 19,80</td>
<td align="right" width="17%"> 19,80</td>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">Verzendkosten
<div style="font-size: 70%; text-align: left;">Binnenland 3 t/m 5 paar: Bezorgen (GLS)</div>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="right" width="17%"> 9,00</td>
<td align="right" width="1%"> 9,00</td>
<td align="right" width="17%"> 9,00</td>
<tfoot><tr nobr="true"><td colspan="5" width="64%"></td>
<td colspan="3" width="35%"><hr style="color:black"></td>
<tr nobr="true"><td colspan="5" width="64%"></td>
<td colspan="3" width="35%"></td>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">
<div style="font-size: 70%; text-align: left;"></div>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="left" colspan="2" width="18%">Totaal BTW 21%:</td>
<td align="right" width="17%">€ 25,75</td>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">
<div style="font-size: 70%; text-align: left;"></div>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="left" colspan="2" width="18%">Totaal ex. BTW:</td>
<td align="right" width="17%">€ 122,60</td>
<tr nobr="true"><td colspan="5" width="64%"></td>
<td colspan="3" width="35%"><hr style="color:black"></td>
<tr nobr="true"><td width="1%"><span></span></td>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="center" width="1%"></td>
<td align="left" width="40%">
<div style="font-size: 70%; text-align: left;"></div>
<td align="left" width="11%"></td>
<td align="left" colspan="2" width="18%"><b>Totaalbedrag (incl. BTW):</b></td>
<td align="right" width="17%"><b>€ 148,35</b></td>
Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in /home/hovo/domains/ on line 3556
Notice: Undefined offset: 2 in /home/hovo/domains/ on line 3556
Tabel row too high p ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi Pama,

Thank you! Now it's correct. Only the table row is changed. It looks it has 4 rows. See attached file

Gr. Pieter
Item row modificatio ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi There,

I have the same problem. I fixed the calculation (this has to be done with total net price en total tax) with this link But the total price shows including tax, must be ex. tax.

Hope someone can help us

Gr. Pieter
Item row modificatio ...
Category: Customer Support
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