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Profile for olley

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 05:21
  • Posts: 7
  • Profile Views: 4759
  • Location: Unknown
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It seems like non of the old SEF extensions are working anymore on Joomla 4.

Been waiting for ages for a J4 portation of JoomSEF, no news so far.
I did consider switching to SEF404SH, which will have a J4 ready extension renamed to 4SEF, here's what they published last year:

When will 4SEF be ready for real use?
We plan on releasing 4SEF during the last quarter of 2021.

Now, we're approaching the third quarter of 2022, and nothing from them so far.

Dear Artio - it would be immensely helpful to have a reliable time schedule for JoomSEF. I've got one site locally, already updated to J4, but waiting for confirmation of a possible release date so I can either go ahead and remove the old SEF structure and reroute the pages, or wait until it's released.
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
I'm a bit afraid JoomSEF might be abandonware. No updates for the last half year, no information whatsoever about (expected) Joomla 4 compatibility.

I wouldn't mind switching to an alternative, but the main other SEF extensions do not work with Joomla 4. sh404SEF announced a compatible SEF extension for this quarter, but no further information on their end, so far.

Dear Artio - I wouldn't mind waiting, as long as I knew there actually WILL be a JoomSEF with full J4 compatibility. Please, please - do provide some information, it would be immensely appreciated!
JoomSEF and Joomla 4
Category: JoomSEF 4
But what's the solution? More people are suffering from this issue.
JoomSEF Active Handl ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Cannot help you on EasyBlog, but had the exact same issue with SEO Glossary. Once it was set to "Basic Rewriting", there was no way to change it back. Only thing I could do was remove the extension completely and reinstall it. This seems to be a bug within the recent versions of JoomSEF ...
can't disable extens ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

I've set "be tolerant to trailing slash" to no and "Remove trailing slash?" to no in order to avoid duplicate content within the Search Engines.

If a non-existant URL is now called ( with trailing slash, JoomSEF returns a 301 first with the same URL but trailing slash removed, and then yields a (correct) 404.

This seems to be harmful to search engines, since 301 suggest the called URL exists - but has moved to a new direction. What should be happening is ...

- JoomSEF returning a 301 with trailing slash removed, if a corresponding URL actually DOES exist
- JoomSEF returning a 404 right away, if the URL without trailing slash does NOT exist

Anything else will mess with search engine results and is extremely detrimental to any SEO efforts. Can you please consider this for the next update, or suggest any other solution?
JoomSEF Trailing Sla ...
Category: JoomSEF 4

I'd like to change my URL structure from an old scenario (add .html suffix to URLs) to a new one (recommended structure, without suffixes).

How can I do so without losing the old URLs, meaning: Is there a way to set up 301s from all the old .html ones to the new ones without having to do so manually? With many hundred URLs, this would be an awesome amount of work ...
Switching from html- ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
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