We have a bunch of articles on a menu item called "Artikler". When we open one of these articles with JoomSEF enabled we get an extra header where it just says "Artikler". Turning off JoomSEF removes the header and the article is how it's supposed to be. See attached screenshots.
We have tried renaming the category "Artikler" to see if that was where it came from, and have also tried renaming the menu item, but to no avail. I can also turn off the SEF url for a single article, and then too the "Artikler" header disappears.
What's going on and what can I do?
Enabling JoomSEF add ...
Posted 11 years, 5 months ago
by knapperalpakka
I have changed the stock of a few products to 0 again, and it seems to work fine after the upgrade to 3.0.10. I'll let you know if it doesn't after testing some more.
VM2 products details
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
The problem is with all products with 0 in stock.
There was just an upgrade to VM Ext 3.0.9 and everything seemed fine with all products but one, until I did an URL Update and we're back to the same problem again, but I get this error msg on one product:
Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$origurl in /home/alpakk2/www/components/com_sef/sef.ext.php on line 214
This product throws an 404 now.
If I add some stock to the "problem products" they display just fine.
The URLs are what they should be, such as for the product "Cherry Beetles":
SEF URL: www.alpakka.org/alpakkabutikken/hundegensere/cherry-beetles
Non-SEF URL: index.php?option=com_virtuemart&layout=notify&view=productdetails&virtuemart_category_id=20&virtuemart_product_id=178&Itemid=53
For Cherry Beetles there are 3 entries in "Manage SEF URLs", all of which are enabled:
alpakkabutikken/hundegensere/cherry-beetles index.php?option=com_virtuemart&layout=notify&view=productdetails&virtuemart_category_id=20&virtuemart_product_id=178&Itemid=53
alpakkabutikken/hundegensere/cherry-beetles index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_category_id=20&virtuemart_product_id=178&Itemid=53
alpakkabutikken/katt-og-hundegenser/cherry-beetles index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_category_id=20&virtuemart_manufacturer_id=2&virtuemart_product_id=178
All point to the correct category- and product ID.
VM2 products details
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
I have JoomSEF 4.2.9 with VM ext 3.0.8, VM2.0.14, on Joomla 2.5.8
Some of our products have 0 in stock. We have configured VM to "Displays 'Notify Me' instead of 'Add To Cart' button" so that the users can still see the product but cannot order it.
With the VM ext JoomSEF enabled the users will not see the product details. Instead they get a page where they can insert an email address to get notified when the product is in stock again. With the JoomSEF VM ext on "Don't SEF" the product details are shown as they should.
I had this problem a few days ago, but noticed there was an upgrade from VM ext 3.0.7 to 3.0.8, installed it, and everything seemed fine. Until today.
Is there some config I can do to fix this?
VM2 products details
Posted 12 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
Running JoomSEF 3.8.2 on Joomla 1.5.23 with the Quickfaq 2.0.7 extension
When the Quickfaq extension is using JoomSEF SEF handling, JoomSEF changes the title of tag lists. I.e. I have a tag called "alpakka", and listing all Quickfaq topics with that tag gives a page with the title "Suri - en annen variant" when it was supposed to have the same title as all Quickfaq pages, namely "Spørsmål og svar" (translates to Questions and answers).
"Suri - en annen variant" is the menu title of a direct link to a Quickfaq article.
The url to the page with the wrong title is suri-en-annen-variant/tagger/alpakka but should have been sporsmal-og-svar/tagger/alpakka
Turning off JoomSEF handling for the Quickfaq extension returns the title to the correct one, "Spørsmål og svar"
See images of the difference:
Why is this happening? What can I do?
Quickfaq: JoomSEF ch ...
Posted 13 years, 4 months ago
by knapperalpakka
Thanks. It wasn't there until the latest version, it seems, so I didn't find it in the January backup.
customize invoice de ...
Posted 14 years, 1 month ago
by knapperalpakka
I find no documentation on this:
1. I want to customize the invoice VM Invoice generates, but cannot find a template for it. Where is it? Will it be overwritten with an upgrade?
2. I need to change language to Norwegian, but even if I change every vminvoice Norwegian language file the language continues to be English. Where do I change the fieldnames in an invoice to Norwegian? Will it be overwritten by an upgrade?
Customizing invoice ...
Posted 14 years, 1 month ago
by knapperalpakka
But we have to pay extra, even if we expected to have upgrades to JoomSef well into 2011. I call this a ripoff.
Myself I paid for one year of upgrades, and got only 3 months, because now we have v4 and I'm not getting that unless I pay more.
Upgrade 3-4
Posted 14 years, 1 month ago
by knapperalpakka
Cannot find any file called invoicehtml.php in my file structure.
customize invoice de ...
Posted 14 years, 1 month ago
by knapperalpakka
I just want to add that there are no menu item or any other object in Joomla at this point that is called "nettbutikk" or has a alias "nettbutikk". Still JoomSEF insists on creating urls called "nettbutikk/something"...
Wrong URL for Virtue ...
Posted 14 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
Sorry, but that doesn't work.
JoomSEF freaked out, and our webshop was completely offling all of a sudden, so I reinstalled JoomSEF and the extensions.
The menu item for the webshop was still called "nettbutikk", so JoomSef generated sef urls for everything "nettbutikk/somecategory". I changed the option in the virtuemart extension config to not use the title and entered "alpakkabutikken" as custom title, but it still doesn't work and everything is still "nettbutikk/somecategory" even after purging and clearing cache.
So I tried one more thing, and changed the menu item to actually be titled "Alpakkabutikken", purged and cleared cache. Still JoomSef is stuck on "nettbutikk/somecategory" in most cases but now sometimes just creates urls like "somecategory"!
I'm going nuts.
I just want everything to be "alpakkabutikken/somecategory". I could do it manually for every category, but that's not what I bought this tool for, right?
What do I do?
Wrong URL for Virtue ...
Posted 14 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
Return to Virtuemart ...
Posted 14 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
We use dibs as payment processor in Virtuemart. We have bought and installed the Virtuemart extension to JoomSEF, but when JoomSEF is enabled the return from the payment processor shows an error.
The return should find dibs_return.php which is in the root of the site, but still we get a "file not found" error stating it cannot find "dibs_return.php". If I disable JoomSEF the error is gone.
How can I prevent JoomSEF from screwing this up?
PS. Tried to add an attachment that shows the error in an image, but it doesn't work in IE nor Chrome
Return to Virtuemart ...
Posted 14 years, 3 months ago
by knapperalpakka
My webshop is at www.alpakka.org/alpakkabutikken
For some reason JoomSEF have generated the wrong url for some categories, i.e.
/nettbutikk/categoryname instead of /alpakkabutikken/categoryname
How can I fix this? I cannot find "nettbutikk" as a name anywhere in JoomSEF. "Nettbutikk" is the menu item in Joomla pointing to the webshop, though. Is this why JoomSEF sometimes generates wrong urls?
Sometimes it even creates product urls where it uses "nettbutikken" instead of alpakkabutikken, so 3 different types of urls exists. I have done purges and updates, but it still regenerates the wrong urls
Wrong URL for Virtue ...
Posted 14 years, 4 months ago
by knapperalpakka
The feeds just pointed to the same page the feed link was on, so the link didn't point to a feed afterall.
But enabling "Fix document format" seems to have fixed it. I'll test some more.
Quickfaq: RSS feeds ...
Posted 14 years, 5 months ago
by knapperalpakka
In Quickfaq all categories have an associated rss-feed. This works great without JoomSEF, but even if I turn off sef for the feeds it fails to work, so I have to turn off the entire Quickfaq extension to have the rss feeds working.
Can this be fixed?
Quickfaq: RSS feeds ...
Posted 14 years, 5 months ago
by knapperalpakka
After installing JoomSEF the rating buttons, thumbsup and -down, have ceased to work. No voting is registered and after pressing the buttons it takes only a few seconds before being redirected to the front page. Not sure why it is redirecting to the frontpage, and it is annoying to our customers.
No errors are showing and no 404 is shown (even though I have opted to have them shown in JoomSEFs config).
What is going on and can this be fixed? If not I see no reason for using $10 on the Quickfaq extension.
Quickfaq: Rating but ...
Posted 14 years, 6 months ago
by knapperalpakka
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