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Profile for karakuse

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I bought JoomSEF and using it.
Everything is working on localhost but when I upload my site to its production location
SEF is not working.
I get "The requested URL not Found" error.

I checked .htaccess file and everything seems OK.
And I don't use JoomFish.

What could be the problem ?

The requested URL no ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
I realized that there is already a function implemented for sef in sobi2.

It is th "sef" function in config.class.php in sobi2 :

function sef ( $url )
$config = & sobi2Config::getInstance();
if ( $config->key( 'general', 'extended_menu', true ) && class_exists( 'JURI' ) ) {
$url = $config->itemid( $url );
if ( $config->key( 'frontpage', 'sef_on', true ) ) {
if ( class_exists( 'JURI' ) ) {
$url = str_replace( '&', '&', $url );
$uri = JURI::getInstance();
$prefix = $uri->toString( array( 'scheme' , 'host' , 'port' ) );
$JURL = $prefix . JRoute::_( $url );
return $JURL;
else {
return sefRelToAbs( $url );
else {
return $config->liveSite . '/' . $url;

you need to call this function as follows :
inside sobi2 :
outside sobi2 :

There is no need to implement a new functionality.
sobi2 sef url not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Your product is supposed to do converting sobi2 URLs to SEF url.
You should have already announced this missing feature for example saying that
some SOBI2 urls need special treatment.
It seems that your product is not capable of doing this.
If ı knew that this was missing in the product, then maybe I wouldn't have bought your product .
I don't actually find it very elegant to ask an extra price for this.

If you tell me what to do in details, i prefer doing it myself.
sobi2 sef url not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
Here is the edit button html:

<input type="button" value="Editer" name="editEntry" id="sobi2EditEntryButton" onclick="location.href='localhost/index.php?option=com_sobi2&;Itemid='" class="button ts-button">

what do you suggest in this case?
sobi2 sef url not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
i also cleared Joomla caches
Tools->Clean Caches and selected all caches and cleaned.
and also
Tools->Purge Expired Cache
cleared also Sobi2 Cache
but still not working
sobi2 sef url not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I checked all those you suggested to verify.
please see attached images.
as you can see, the conf is ok but joomsef is still not working for sobi2.
sobi2 sef url not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3

I've bought JoomlaSEF 3 and i am using Joomla 1.5.
Even i disable sobi2 cache, i realized that sobi2 url are not SEFed.
For example i can stiill see the sobi2 urls as follows :


Your help is appreciated,

sobi2 sef url not wo ...
Category: JoomSEF 3
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