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Profile for hypnovita

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 06:04
  • Posts: 4
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Thanks, I've figured it out myself in the meantime. For anyone else stumbling across this (Google is your friend), here's the solution:

It's possible to do a global redirect from *.html to */ by adding a simple line to .htaccess .

Even better - after deleting the "add suffix" from JoomSEF conf, if I update the URLs, a redirect from .html to new will be saved in the 301-section of JoomSEF.
Switching from html- ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there,

if I enter

into my browser, I end up with a category view / blog layout of all my articles listed in the category "Uncategorised".
JoomSEF automatically creates a SEF URL based on the alias for the Uncategorised category. And Google search enginge picks up all of these pages ...

On my site, there's absolutely no use for the blog layout view of all uncategorised articles and I have no menu item linking to them. So I'm wondering why they show up anyway. Does Joomla automatically allow access to blog layout view of all available categories if I just know the according cat ID # and enter is as an URL? If so - how can I avoid this?

Not quite sure if this problem is related to JoomSEF or Joomla itself, so - any helpful input is highly appreciated anyway!

Avoid Category View ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Dobry Den!

I've got a question here ... Let me give you an example:

I have an article that's directly linked to my main menu. I move it into a different category and add some sub articles as well ... bam, URL changes. Which certainly is a feature and not a bug ...

Here's the thing: Google has a high aversion towards site that have identical articles on different URLs. So, if ...


... all link to the same page, Google might mark it as SPAM.

My question is: How can I avoid this and how can I setup JoomSEF so only ONE URL links to one article, and all the other URLs don't link directly to the article but act as forwards instead?

Looking forward to your input! And kudos for your great work, looooove JoomSEF ...


How to avoid duplica ...
Category: JoomSEF 4
Hi there!

I've just bought a copy of JoomSEF (v3, using it with J!1.5.22) and already installed it. The site I intend to use JoomSEF for is already up, running and spidered by Google. I think it would be really bad to change all my URLs now all of a sudden, I've used the standard Joomla SEO option up until now which basically made URLs for the site built up like MenuAlias/ArticleAlias.html . So if I chose "Blog" from the Menu point "News", the URL could read something like .

I would really hate to edit all the URL in JoomSEF by hand now to reflect what they looked like so far. Is there any option to do this automatically? I've played around with all the Config menues so far, researched the forum and read the manual, but couldn't find anything on this issue - which kind of amazes me since I thought many people integrated JoomSEF into their already running J!installations w/o wanting to lose the old Joomla standard SEO URLs.

Help - anyone? Looking forward to your input :-) !!
How to keep regular ...
Category: JoomSEF
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