Thanks for the response. I found that the component (DT Register) was passing the Itemid as a "POST" variable, which apparently takes precedence over any "GET" variable that occurs in the URL query string. I overrode that POST variable and it worked! Thanks again. JoomSEF takes some getting used to, but it is a very powerful tool.
Different SEF URLs f ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by haroldbr
I'm using JoomSEF to rewrite URLs for DT Register. It works great if I only have one type of event. However, the URL of the "processing registration" page is fairly simple. It's index.php?option=com_dtregister&Itemid=137. I have an SEF URL setup to change that to /free-info-sessions/processing-registration. It works great.
However, I setup a second menu item for another event. The Itemid is 269. I setup an SEF URL to point index.php?option=com_dtregister&Itemid=269 to /indy-bus-tours/processing-registration. Unfortunately, JRouter::_('index.php?option=com_dtregister&Itemid=269') is returning the URL /free-info-sessions/processing-registration.
Also, I'm trying to change the layout of the page when I submit the URL. I was under the impression that the Itemid was responsible for module positions, etc, but changing the Itemid in the "processing registration" page doesn't change the layout. Any help would be much appreciated.
Different SEF URLs f ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by haroldbr
I'm using the RocketTheme template Clarion on my Joomla 2.5.4 site with JoomSEF 4.2.5. If you're at all familiar with RocketTheme templates, you know that for the past couple of years they've been building Joomla templates using a template framework called Gantry that they developed in-house. Here's the issue that I'm having. If I use the template manager to disable the menu, I get the following message:
Error: headers already sent in modules.php on line 188.
Stopped at line 1361 in joomsef.php
I looked into it, and I resolved the issue by replacing /components/com_sef/joomsef.php line 1132 with the following:
if (!headers_sent()) {
JoomSEF::_sendHeader('HTTP/1.0 200 OK');
JoomsEF 4 incompatib ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by haroldbr
I'm using JoomSEF on my site to deal with ugly URLs for several extensions. However, EasyBlog is quite capable of handling it's own SEF URLs without JoomSEF, so I set the "Active Handler" to "Default Joomla router". It works great except for one situation. JoomSEF seems to be messing with my tag-related URLs. For example, if you try to visit the page:
You will be redirected to:
which is a blank page. If I turn JoomSEF off using the "JoomSEF enabled" setting in the Main Configuration, the first URL works fine. I looked through the settings to see if the word "tag" was being stripped out or there was a maximum URL length or something, but so far, I haven't been able to find anything. Any help would be much appreciated.
JoomSEF disabled for ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by haroldbr
I use the software EasyBlog on my website. I downloaded and installed the SEF extension from www.artio.net/downloads/joomla-related/j...f-extension/details, but after I install the extension, the component is still listed under "Components Without SEF Extension Installed" even though it has "JoomSEF Extension" set as the active handler. I'm using JoomSEF 4, EasyBlog 3 and Joomla 2.5. Is the extension compatible with my setup?
EasyBlog SEF URLs
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by haroldbr
I've got two different components on my website (DT Register and the incredibly crappy RPL from RealtyNA) neither of which support standard Joomla SEF URLs. I'm trying to determine the feasibility of developing a JoomSEF Extension for either of these components. Is there a component developers guide or any other information that would help me determine if this would be worth my while?
Dealing with crappy ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by haroldbr
I found the cause of this particular problem. Apparently CodeMirror and JoomSEF conflict.
Cannot save configur ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by haroldbr
I've had a similar problem. I use CodeMirror as my editor, and it conflicts with JoomSEF. I had to change my editor to "None" in my user configuration, then I was able to save.
Configuration page d ...
Posted 12 years, 11 months ago
by haroldbr
I understand the need for many of the features that JoomSEF provides, but I want almost all of them disabled. I am only interested in rewriting a handfull of URLs. I have already set them up in JoomSEF and disabled automatic SEF url creation. However, JoomSEF is still hijacking the URLs on the rest of my site. For example, I have a menu item configured for this URL: index.php?option=com_comprofiler&task=registers. The alias is "/get-more-info". Before installing JoomSEF, the URL was wholesale-houses.com/get-more-info. Now the URL appears as wholesale-houses.com/get-more-info/registers. I do not want JoomSEF to rewrite anything that i have not specifically setup in the JoomSEF configuration. Is this possible?
Ben Harold
I just want simple U ...
Posted 13 years ago
by haroldbr
Thanks for the clarification. FYI, I don't have any caching enabled in Joomla, as the site is still in the development phase.
Cannot save configur ...
Posted 13 years ago
by haroldbr
I'd like to point out that this is not a solution to the problem, but a workaround. The underlying issue still needs to be addressed.
I tried the following browsers on Mac OS X 10.7.3, and I was still unable to save:
Chrome 17.0.963.56
Firefox 10.0.2
Safari 5.1.3 (7534.53.10)
None of these browsers would allow me to save. Finally, Opera 11.61 saved the day. I maintain that this issue needs to be addressed. I paid good money for this software and it took over a full workday of labor to install and configure. I am not satisfied.
Cannot save configur ...
Posted 13 years ago
by haroldbr
I purchased and installed JoomSEF on my Joomla 2.5.1 site today. I am trying to save configuration changes. Specifically, I am trying to set "Disable creation of new SEF URLs?" and "Enable professional mode" to "Yes." However, when I click on "Save" or "Save & Close", I get a blue info-message that says "Beginner mode" and nothing more. No configuration changes are saved. How do I save configuration changes?
Cannot Save Configur ...
Posted 13 years ago
by haroldbr
Since version 1.5.19 of Joomla, we've had the option of upgrading to MooTools 1.2. Is JoomDoc compatible with MooTools 1.2? My initial testing seems to indicate that it's not. Any plans for updating the code?
MooTools 1.2
Posted 14 years, 5 months ago
by haroldbr
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