There still doesn't seem to be an update to this working for canonical product pages. Anyone who is using canonical product pages on Magento which is probably everyone who cares or understands SEO will not be able to use the paid for version of this module properly.
Caching Canonical Pa ...
Posted 12 years, 1 month ago
by gav
Is there an update on this yet? I'm not sure if it can be looked at but te popup of the cache progress bar (when caching pages) does not work in Chrome.
Caching Canonical Pa ...
Posted 12 years, 5 months ago
by gav
I'm still waiting for an update on this? It really is a must that you can cache a canonical product page.
Please advise?
Caching Canonical Pa ...
Posted 12 years, 6 months ago
by gav
Sorry to keep bothering you but is there an update on the module to support canonical url's?
Mturbo Magento admin ...
Posted 12 years, 8 months ago
by gav
This is happening for me quite a bit and the admin comes to a crippling halt especially when trying to process orders.
Every couple of hours I have to run the command
UPDATE core_config_data SET value = "0!" WHERE path LIKE 'mturbo/event/queue'
and it works fine again. I am on v.1.2.6 is there a later version or plans to prevent this from slowing things down?
Mturbo Magento admin ...
Posted 12 years, 9 months ago
by gav
Thanks, that worked great. Any idea on when the next release will be available?
Caching Canonical Pa ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by gav
Magento has a built in SEO option called used 'canonical' links for pages. We use this for most of our sites for SEO reasons.
Unfortunately when the module tries to cache a product page, it caches every single page the product would fall under, APART from the canonical so products cannot be cached in conjuction with the magento canonical product feature.
At the moment it does this:
But I have canonical turned on and the product it does not cache is: site.com/product.html
Is there anything I can do or can the module be included to consider the above?
It would also save on caching time too because there would only be one page to cache and not for every location the product sits under.
Caching Canonical Pa ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by gav
Which method would you recommend to be the most stable out of the four options? Can you explain the pros and cons of each?
Strange Characters i ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by gav
I'm on the paid version and get strange numbers and letters that seem to be 'injected' randomly in the cached version of the files. Sometimes the numbers/letters dissappear but on a new cache they appear. The positioning of them is completely random, it's not like a character encoding issue or a conflict. Please help..
<p class="old-price"> <span class="price-label">RRP:</span> <span class="price 1de " id="old-price-1854"> £120.00 </span> </p> <p class="special-price"> <span class="price-label">Price:</span> <span class="price" id="product-price-1854"> £109.99</span> </p> <div class="savingprice">Saving £10.01</div> </div> 5a2 <button type="but
Strange Characters i ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by gav
I've just upgraded. It was working ok but now all I get is the following error:
<b>Fatal error</b>: Call to undefined function mb_substr() in <b>/home/dir/public_html/app/code/local/Artio/MTurbo/Model/Mturbo/File.php</b> on line <b>237</b><br />
I'm going to uninstall and try again.
Refreshing of catego ...
Posted 13 years, 5 months ago
by gav
I've got the free version currently and I must say I'm impressed.
I'm just haveing a few issues with the category view when I change the price on some of my products. It happens on both configurable and simple products but the category page is not 're-cached' and the page that gets served to the visitor is the old price.
Is there something I need to do without going into the admin and refreshing the cache each time I change a price?
Refreshing of catego ...
Posted 13 years, 5 months ago
by gav
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