One more question: when you set a url for the "root" vm category, maybe using a custom url, is there any way to have all other urls of nested categories to use the first level category custom url?
Is the new SEF Alias option working for Category names also?
Why I Cannot use Ali ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by frizzo
Thank you! That sounds good... in the meantime I have "manually" edited all urls and set them as Locked.
I have also disabled the generation of new urls.
It seems to work about the urls, I have found one problem more with the product pages: for some reason the page title is not only the product title but if has this format: "Previous Category : product title".
All the setting for the vm extension seems to be correct but I cannot get rid of the "category name : ".
Is there a solution for that also?
Further more, is there any way to remove the "?view=form" from breezing forms sef url?
My form has two pages, the first, linked in the main menù got this url " www.domainname.xx/contact?view=form" while second page got the url " www.domainname.xx/contact".
Is it possible to remove such variable or to do the opposite, eg. variable for second page?
Thanks a lot!
Why I Cannot use Ali ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by frizzo
is there any way to tell JoomSEF or JoomSEF extension for VirtueMart to use the Sef Alias of virtuemart categories?
My virtuemart categories are now alwyas using the Title part or "category name" to generate urls, but I don't want this.
I need to use Alias.
The only solution to this seems to be to manually generate custom SEF URLS but this means a very heavy work because it seems I have to edit the URL for each sub category or product insided the parend category.
Is this the only way to specify like virtuemart urls should be?
How to use VirtueMar ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by frizzo
I have the following setup: Joomla 2.5.3, VirtueMart 2.0.2, JoomSEF 4.2.6, JoomSEF Virtuemart Extension 3.0.2
I have the registered versions of Joomsef but I have not set the testing url: I have just installed the downloaded extensions.
My problem is that virtuemart categories title is used to generate the SEF urls, I have changed all configuration setting but nothing seems to change and no configuration change seems to reflect to the website.
I have purged urls, cache and updated urls but the SEF urls are always the same: titles instead of title alias or any other change I made.
Could be that I have all these issues because I am trying to setup things in the not registered testint url?
What else could be wrong?
I have disabled all cache options from Joomsef, Joomla and browser too.
I am going crazy! :-(
Thanks for help!
Why I Cannot use Ali ...
Posted 12 years, 10 months ago
by frizzo
I am using JoomSEF 3.6.4 , I am in the software configuration page, "title and meta tags" tab.
I have set to NO the first two options and I have set "Use sitename in page titles:" to "Yes, after page title".
I have Saved, purged cache and SEF Url, reloaded the site webpages BUT I cannot see sitename after page title.
Is such function working only if JoomSEF autogenerated title and metatags are used?
Is there any way to have my site name after page title?
How to add site name ...
Posted 14 years, 9 months ago
by frizzo
oh, ok then. How long do you think I should wait for the next fixed realase?
Your tool seems to do exactly all I need, but I want to have the right redirects before apply changes and have google spider on my pages.
Redirect nonSEF URLs ...
Posted 14 years, 9 months ago
by frizzo
It's 3.6.4
Redirect nonSEF URLs ...
Posted 14 years, 9 months ago
by frizzo
Thanks for the quick help,
unfortunately I am unable to find such options in JoomSEF configuration tabs.
I don't have JoomFish such tab.
What am I missing?
Redirect nonSEF URLs ...
Posted 14 years, 9 months ago
by frizzo
I am trying this nice software, I am interested in his many features, once of them is the old urls redirection to SEF ones by using the Moved Permanently redirection.
I have configured the software in this way and then I have tried to call an old URL, it is redirected to the SEF one but the headers seems to be wrong: it does a couple of redirect using "HTTP/1.1 303 See other" instead of the Http 301 Moved permanently header.
Is it possible to have the right header for the redirect with one redirect only?
Redirect nonSEF URLs ...
Posted 14 years, 9 months ago
by frizzo
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