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Profile for farmeunit

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
  • Local Time: 17:48
  • Posts: 2
  • Profile Views: 4264
  • Location: Unknown
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Any word on development? Is there something we can follow on development? I read that Joomlatools isn't doing anything at this time for J1.6 and it's really putting us into a bind.

We are currently using JoomDoc as it is, and it's working fine, but we have already developed a new site for J1.6 and wanting to go live. The only thing holding us back the the document management portion.

Any kind of info about the release would be helpful. We can continue with J1.5 if needed, but don't want to work on two different versions if nothing if going to happen for J1.6. We can stop development and stay with J1.5.
Joomla 1.6 compatibl ...
Category: JoomDOC
Are there any resources for editing the templates? We have an issue with too much spacing in between columns/rows and the hit counter not lining up correctly. We got them partially fixed, but not sure exactly what to edit next. Sorry if that sounds dumb, but I couldn't find anything.
Template editing res ...
Category: JoomDOC
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