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Jich, sorry for my last post, please ignore it, I found the solution!

I also had to set

Cart Block (sidebar): No

in MTurbo Admin.

Now it's perfect.

Problem with Dynamic ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi jich,

thanks, however I realized that the whole cart html is different. Well, seems to have it working now, so I did what you suggested to him, namely

I renamed the header cart block "cart_sidebar" to "cart_sidebar_header" and set it in the M-Turbo administration (tab Dynamic loaded blocks)

But somehow that doesn't work for me. I compared his html to mine and e.g. the javascript under the cart html looks different.

His JS:

function fillBlockcart_sidebar_header() {
if (typeof(mturboloader)!='undefined') {
if (mturboloader.complete) {
document.getElementById('cart_sidebar_header').innerHTML = mturboloader.getBlock('cart_sidebar_header');
} else {
setTimeout('fillBlockcart_sidebar_header()', 100);

My javascript:

function fillBlockcartsidebar() {
if (typeof(mturboloader)!='undefined') {
if (mturboloader.complete) {
document.getElementById('cartsidebar').innerHTML = mturboloader.getBlock('cartsidebar');
} else {
setTimeout('fillBlockcartsidebar()', 100);

So on his site it's correctly using 'cart_sidebar_header' but not on mine. If I change mturboloader.getBlock('cartsidebar'); manually to mturboloader.getBlock('cart_sidebar_header'); via FireBug the cart div only gets filled with "undefined".

What have I forgotten resp. what is wrong?

Thanks !!!!!
Problem with Dynamic ...
Category: Customer Support
Hi jich,

I have the same theme as and I have a problem, too, so I reply to this thread. Well, my sidebar cart is being loaded, however the html is somehow disrupted. Attached there is the view of the cart on cached page and the view on uncached page.

Correct (uncached):

Bad (cached):

What I noticed is, that between the two html codes, there's only one difference. In your cached version, there is somehow additional html which just has to be removed:

Here's the excerpt from the cached version:

<li class="user-menu-item user-menu-cart hover" id="mini-cart">
<div id="cartsidebar"><block name="cartsidebar">
<div class="block block-cart">
<div class="block-title">
<strong><span>Mein Warenkorb</span></strong>
<div class="block-content" style="overflow: hidden;">
<p class="empty">Sie haben keine Artikel im Warenkorb.</p>

And now the correct uncached version:

<li class="user-menu-item user-menu-cart hover" id="mini-cart">
<div class="block block-cart">
<div class="block-title">
<div class="block-title-inner">
<a title="Warenkorb anzeigen" href="" class="heading">Mein Warenkorb</a>
<div class="summary">

As you may see, in the cached version this (stupid) html is added:

<div id="cartsidebar"><block name="cartsidebar">

Do you know where/how that happens and how I can remove that?

Thank you so much,

Problem with Dynamic ...
Category: Customer Support
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