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Profile for comicsandtoys

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Help! I have installed JoomSef and the Joomshopping extension (most recent versions) on my website at While it seems to work brilliantly, picking up page titles etc, it has issues with the top top category, thinking that every page is a home page?

Therefore, every page title displays Home, and more annoyingly, the image slider that is only meant to be on the homepage, is now on every page, including the checkout pages, making the site look a little daft.

I was thinking of disabling the image slider which is a part of the template (AllRusty-TG), and dropping in a separate module to replace it, but I would still be left with the issue of each page title saying Home-Product.

I'm not a Joomla expert, so it is probably something really obvious that I am missing.... if anyone can help, or if you need me to expand on the problem, please get in touch as soon as possible - a huge THANK YOU in advance!
Joomshopping not pic ...
Category: Extensions
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