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Profile for clunky

  • Time Zone: GMT +0:00
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  • Posts: 51
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I have tried to install the free version on a clean install and get the following.
There was an error uploading this file to the server.
I have tried a web install from the new tab as well as from the temp directory from the zip file and also the normal install method and nothing works.
Any ideas please?
Booking on J 3.2
Category: Community Support
Is it possible to upgrade from 1.4.7 directly to 1.7.10 without any issues?
upgrade query
Category: Customer Support
Hi Jan
in function generateItems () line 716 ish I have found this
$showCurrency = $this->params->get('always_show_currency') ? $currency : '';

is this correct?

Having changed this to
$showCurrency = $this->params->get('always_show_currency') ? $this->order->order_currency : '';
it doesn't make any difference.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
"Always show currency unit" is set to yes, it always has been as I understand what this setting does, and the currency does not show.
So is it a problem?
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
If I add
'. $this->order->order_currency .'
to any lines then it displays GBP.

$showCurrency = $this->params->get('always_show_currency') ? $this->order->order_currency : '';
is the bit which is not working, as nothing is displayed apart from the value.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
all set to GBP
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Unfortunately GBP|£ does not work. It just prints GBP.
I have dug into this and in fact "$this->order->order_currency" produces nothing at all.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
I have upgraded to .7.

The delivery now seems to be working ok.
On "VM Invoice: Order List" page it would be good to have the client name and email address shown.
This is obviously due to the same issue as with the ST and BT as we have just resolved, but now relative to the admin page and not the pdf's.

Also I have had to insert £ for each instance of the sub totals and totals...
$code .= VMI_NL . '  <td align="right" style="width: ' . $this->wUnit . '%;">&pound; ' .
$this->currency->getFullValue($this->order->order_shipping + $this->order->order_shipping_tax, '', $this->order->order_currency) . '</td>';

The £ sign gets displayed correctly in the pdfs now but this is not ideal as the core files have been hacked.
What part of the above code is supposed to display the symbol?
I did echo $currency to test and it just displayed GBP which is not the symbol.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
Is it just my install or is this a component issue?
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
Not wishing to tell you how things should work... but more of a logical question.

Would it not be better to see if "ST" has been set for an order_id?
This way, if it exists then use it, Else use the default?
If it is set and other conditions apply, i.e. bothi or both, or both and ST etc. then write the code....
There are currently 16 possible combinations to use, although if bothi is set then this appears to shortcut a few?
Just a thought.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
VM does not set a last_name value when a user selects a different shipping address.
When vm_order_user_info has address_type = BT all the values are filled correctly.
Where address_type = ST, title, last_name, first_name and middle_name are all NULL.
Therefore when it checks for first_name it fails, but the row contains the alternative delivery address data.

Where does your code
// if ST address is empty and should be shown always both
if ($adressType == 'both' && strlen($address['ST']->last_name) == 0) {
$address['ST'] = $address['BT'];

come from?

My invoicehtml.php file has
        // if ST address is empty and should be shown always both
if ($adressType == 'both' && empty($address['ST']->last_name)) {
$address['ST'] = $address['BT'];

This only checks if both has been selected anyway.
I have mine set to BT and ST from config so the above if statement doesn't matter, and
$address['ST'] = $this->getVMAddress('ST');

is still set and then
if (($adressType == 'ST' || $adressType == 'both') && ! empty($address['ST']->last_name))

fails as last_name = NULL.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
There appears to be something wrong with the logic in
function generateAddresses ()

With the function as it is, if I select billing address and shipping address, BT and ST as they come through, the delivery note uses the bill to address. This is obviously wrong.

If I change
if (($adressType == 'ST' || $adressType == 'both') && ! empty($address['ST']->last_name))

if (($adressType == 'ST' || $adressType == 'both') && empty($address['ST']->last_name))

i.e. without the not clause !. then the correct delivery address is shown on the DN pdf.
However, as I have set the delivery note to ST, it should not be showing both addresses, which it is.
Like I say there is something wrong with the logic of displaying which selections have been made in the configuration.

Any comments?
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
This does solve the issue of the pdfs not being sent.

However, it still does not show the name or email in the invoices area and it does not show the different delivery address on the sent pdf.

I had the invoice set to deliver to both if shipping is different.
And the delivery note set to deliver to shipping address.

I have tried different combinations and the result is the same, the delivery / shipping address is not shown on the pdfs.

I have just tried to use both-always for the invoice and delivery note but the pdfs have the same default address for both, they do not show the different delivery address entered on the order form.
It would appear that the db query is not selecting the correct table fields.

The customer order in vm shows everything correctly each time.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
I have latest vm and vm invoice, with no other plugins etc.

If my customer selects a different delivery address in the order process, the order goes through correctly and can be viewed in vm and the order confirmation email contains all the correct data.

The problem is that vm invoice does not have a client name or mail associated with the order when the invoice comes through,
Therefore it cannot run the cron job and the orders remain in invoices..

It will not work unless the customer selects the default shipping address.

Please advise, my client is not too pleased.
vm invoice fails wit ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
If I try to add another email in VM it errors.
Please explain how to accomplish this.

Alternatively I can alter the code of vminvoice at the point of sending out an email to hardcode the delivery note, if you can tell me which pages that happens in.

Please advise as this is now going on too long.

Automated delivery n ...
Category: VM Invoice
Any progress with this please?
Automated emails to ...
Category: JoomSEF
Have you solved the currency issue?
I am still unable to show the £ symbol on the pdfs.

I had the errors described above and have had to unpublish the auto plugin and run a cron job in order for the errors to disappear. Not an ideal solution by any means but it is working.

Do you have any idea how to get the delivery note sent to a different email address?

error in vminvoice
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan and djrgr
I have managed to get it to work, kind of!

I uninstalled everything and reinstalled everythng, patched virtuemart, joomla and everything.
Set it all up and still got the errors as before. I was a bit upset I can tell you.

I have had to unpublish the automatic plugin and set up cron to do the work.

This is not an ideal solution but it seems to be working for now.

I am not however able to send the delivery note to a different address as per my other post.

I am awaiting your instructions as how this is accomplished.
Changing the email o ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
Any news for me?

I thought about setting up cron to do this as a last effort but when I go to

I get
Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class CurrencyDisplay in /home/chestnut/public_html/cp/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/classes/currency/class_currency_display.php on line 38

I cannot progress any further without help here. If you can shed some light it would be appreciated.
Changing the email o ...
Category: VM Invoice
Hi Jan
Thats good, but where?
VM or joomla or vminvoice?

Please remember that the invoice needs to go to the shopper and the delivery note needs to go to a different address.

Automated delivery n ...
Category: VM Invoice
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