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Profile for ajaey

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I assume, that you cannot add more than one custom non-sef variable. if you enter groupid; itemid he ignores the second one.
Jomsocial Plugin -> ...
Category: Extensions
Hello Support Team

our system:

Joomla: 3.1.5
JomSocial: 3.0.4
JomSEF: 4.4.4
JomSEF JomSocial Extension: 3.1.17

We want to setup our community SEF but got a really big problem, which costed us several days and draw back our release date.

If we try to view a group, we got the error message, that the groupid is wrong. JoomSEF don't seem to handle group URLs correctly, causes the site navigates back to view all groups.

So we defined a "Custom non-SEF variable" = "groupid" in the advanced JomSEF configuration.
The result is: groups/general/testgruppe?groupid=1

With this setting we can view the group activities, the members and everything else.
We can share messages and pictures, but we can't delete anything from the activity stream within the group. If we try to delete things, we got the error message "group not found".

We determine the problem as the delete button only open a href #deletepost without anything else on information in the SEF URL.

The non SEF url is: index.php?option=com_community&view=groups&task=viewgroup&groupid=1&Itemid=1253#deletePost

So... how can we fix this, i think its a bug.

Help would be really appreciated. Otherwise, the extension would be a bad choice for us.
Jomsocial Plugin -> ...
Category: Extensions
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